Omg who just watched South Park!?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Jan 15, 2001
Smiley Land ?
That was pure comedy! The boys went to Afganistan and talked shit to everyone it was simply rotflmao. Cartman beat up Bin Laden! Then he pulled down Bin Ladens pants down and there was nothing there! They needed to use 12 magnifying lenses! The boys ended up destroying the Taliban and Bin Laden in the end!

Please tell me someone else saw this.


South Park =

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Of course you know I saw it! That was so classic! I was literally laughing my ass off. I also liked the part when everyone thought the goat was Stevie Nicks!

Must watch this episode again.

Remember the goul.

Shake n' bake
Do whatever it takes
Originally posted by SicilianGoddess:
Cartman beat up Bin Laden! Then he pulled down Bin Ladens pants down and there was nothing there! They needed to use 12 magnifying lenses!

heh, fuhnny.

thanks for heads up.
I saw it...never miss that show.
They are always right on the cutting edge of things with shows about current events(remeber how quickly thay parodied Elian Gonzalez and the Florida election flap?)

I love when Cartman has bin Laden go to wardrobe for his photo shoot and he emerges dressed as Uncle Sam; and also when bin Laden passes on Cartman diguised as a harem girl and makes out with the camel instead. Classic stuff.

The joker is the best card.
That was the best! Extremely smart (hey, the creators are Canadians with an objective news media perspective, what can you say?) .. Crudely fuckin funny (I love Cartman's take on Bugs Bunny)... the the whole idea of parallel characters... lolromatih
I also love when you can actually tell what Kenny says, like when they asked him to take the goat home he clearly said: "No F*ckin way dude."
I HAVE to see this!!!

I used to never forget an I never remember to watch! *sigh*

"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."
Hahahha!! I need to watch it 10 more times!

I love the voices of the kids and Bin Laden, and how they're made fun of. The Uncle Sam part was classic! And it's cool that you can understand Kenny now!

I'm actually kinda surprised that was aired.. some people may think its controversial but I think its just plain friggin hilarious.

South Park South Park!!


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Sicy's Website
Parker and Stone seem to thrive on contriversial material, and are not worried about who they offend...I think its what keeps the show refreshing. Did you see the episode where they said "shit" on TV. That was hilarious, they had a counter in the corner of the screen and totalled 162 times "shit" was said in the episode.
I saw it and was lmfao!

But you take what you can get
'Cause it's all that you can find
Oh, you know there's something more
But tonight, tonight, tonight

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