My new call for album of the year... Caribou

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The Original, Rock n' Roll Doggie, VIP PASS
Jun 8, 2000
Hamilton, ON
Caribou - Andorra
Let's hope this has staying power, because I just downloaded it, and have listened to it about 9 times in a row since.. and it is absolutely beautiful and utterly brilliant.

Less accessible than my previous album of the year perhaps (The National - Boxer), simply because it's much less conventional, but no doubt far more catchy. How to describe it? It continues the spastic, busy sounds of previous albums* but adds a very poppy, sunshine happy finish to them... this is a good thing. These melodies are so catchy and so pretty you won't know what to do with yourself, beyond listen again and again.
This is I guess what would be called Chamber Pop.. reminding us of Polyphonic Spree, Sgt Peppers, Panda Bear, the Beach Boys, etc. But it is so densely layered, so hypnotic, so wonderful. So many beautiful harmonies a mid endlessly crashing insistent drumming, orchestral ornamentation and synthesizer stabs.

The first four tracks are pretty much perfect. The rest is basically just as good.


Andorra is set to be released on August 21st.

(*Dan Snaith is the one man machine here, being responsible for Manitoba's Up In Flames and Caribou's Milk of Human Kindness.. he changed his name after Handsome Dick Manitoba threatened a lawsuit despite the fact the Dan was naming himself after a big ass Canadian province. eegads).
up here in Canada they call changing your mind when new evidence subsumes a previous opinion 'open-mindedness' and we don't try and convince people it's a bad thing :p
Lancemc said:
I have a feeling Neon Bible will end up being my 'Best Album of 2007' though. And I'm perfectly fine with that. :yes:
Lancemc said:
I think I burned out on Neon Bible before the album even came out. :(
Lancemc said:
Neon Bible has been bumped, and this might end up being my favorite Wilco.
Lancemc said:
Ok, is it totally crazy for me to think this could end up being my album of the year??? Seriously, I've listened to Sound of Silver at least a half dozen times since yesterday, and I think it's already my favorite album of the year. Right now, the only thing I can imagine beating it out would be LP7, and that's only assuming that even comes out this year. :combust:

:tsk: :tsk: :tsk:
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Neon Bible is lazy. I will never quite get why everyone is so gaga about it. This is not for neon bible discussion though
SkeeK said:
Neon Bible is lazy. I will never quite get why everyone is so gaga about it. This is not for neon bible discussion though

i agree. now that neon bible has soaked in, i definitely prefer funeral.

oops. not a neon bible discussion. ;)
no one wants to talk about Caribou. figures.. cause it's actually good. i'm gonna go listen to some experimental unlistenable time-signatureless drivel.
I've got Caribou's "Up in Flames" album, actually. It's quite enjoyable.

I'll make sure to check this one out when I've got some time!
It's kind of tragically hilarious how this thread veered off course.
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Skeek I would agree that Andorra is a great album...extremely hypnotic sunshine way to describe it really.

After Hours and Desiree really epitomise it.

I'll see how the rest of the year pans out before I make a judgement on best album of the year though!
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