
The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Blue Crack Addict
Aug 16, 2002
the killerwhaletank
The women have their place (PLEBA). Now, the men have their own place. I dub this land...


Feel free to discuss anything manly. Women, beer, cars, toys, sports...just give'r.

Pictures of hot ladies are not only accepted, but encouraged.

DaveC said:
The women have their place (PLEBA).

Men are welcome in PLEBA too.

I suppose that means I should be welcome here as well then.

*throws down my pink glitter bean bag chair, sits down, and leafs through my Ryan Adams scrapbook*
Manland????? Only in dreams!!!!

*prepares for mantastic time*
nbcrusader said:

Careful, I have cootie spray.....

This actually made me legitimately LOL for some reason.

Actually in the spirit of the PLEBA letters. It could be called AMA?

A = Ali
M= Morleigh
A= Anne
?= whoever Adam is with. If they had an enigma symbol on the keyboard it would work here also!! ;) If he had ended up with Naomi it could have been AMAN which would have been perfect!

So in the spirit of PLEBA, guys feel free to start posting pics of Morleigh belly dancing!!!! LOL. Seriously though, start posting them! Edge is a lucky man.

PS: shouldnt PLEBA really be LEBA? I dont think you girls discuss or post pictures of Paul McGuinness??
Paul is the guiding force of both the band and the PLEBA forum. His benevolent gaze oversees the creation of fabulous music and excellent stage shows, and his portly, fatherly demeanor prevents us PLEBAns from combusting due to lust overload. So you see, without the P there can be no LEBA as we know it.

I've tried visiting PLEBA a couple of times but i've always been scared off by the fact that everyone seems to know everyone else amazingly well, so I feel rejected...its like a secret society open by invitation only, and i'm not invited... :sad:

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Bbug said:
Paul is the guiding force of both the band and the PLEBA forum. His benevolent gaze oversees the creation of fabulous music and excellent stage shows, and his portly, fatherly demeanor prevents us PLEBAns from combusting due to lust overload. So you see, without the P there can be no LEBA as we know it.

If no one has read this yet, read it now.

Many, many, times over.

By the way, I didn't realize it was fashionable to recycle my manterial threads. Maybe I'll have to jump on the wagon too...

The Sage said:
I've tried visiting PLEBA a couple of times but i've always been scared off by the fact that everyone seems to know everyone else amazingly well, so I feel rejected...its like a secret society open by invitation only, and i'm not invited... :sad:


everybody should be welcome on PLEBA !

*curious on what this Male Thread is going to be about ... :flirt: *

I've decided to revive the great dream that was Manland.

To kick things off, I give you the goddess Rachel Bilson, the only redeeming thing on The OC.


:drool: :combust:
Blue Room said:
So in the spirit of PLEBA, guys feel free to start posting pics of Morleigh belly dancing!!!!

I'm not a guy, but I can't say I'd complain if any of you wanted to post Morleigh pictures! :D
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i don't find morleigh remotely "hot" in terms of conventional purposes.

i mean i'm sure if she wanted to date me, i'd say yes, but i'm quite sure the only reason why any of you want to get with her is because she danced during zootv.

big deal.
Zoomerang96 said:
i don't find morleigh remotely "hot" in terms of conventional purposes.

i mean i'm sure if she wanted to date me, i'd say yes, but i'm quite sure the only reason why any of you want to get with her is because she danced during zootv.

big deal.

oh snap!!!!

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