Let's make a story # 3

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....from Page 15.....

On thin ice cracking and splitting between friends who enjoy things under their warm muffins smothered like hot fudge that oozed around the floor and on to the car engine racing faster than lightning and THAT went to get egg salad and beer mix so Santa could gets waxed and plucked and accupunctured every part of his fist thumb nail and his knuckles that were white began suddenly to beige. It was so ugly when the sleigh began plowing through senior citizens waiting for their U2 tour GA tix and their souvenier freebies including sweatsocks, dentures, Depends and galoshes. Anyway, the sled then careened towards outer space onto the moon and met Marvin the Martian along with Alvin and the Chipmunks. It was so scary that the paramedics dropped their pants because the bees were buzzing so loud ears exploded and presents fell on the old fenceposts painted like the colors of Skittles they tasted sweet and sour. Sadly, they were squished under the toes of Gavin Friday and he jumped from the top of the balcony and landed on top of Bonocomet's shoulders. "Holy cow" shouted Hilary Duff while dancing on a table while dancing naked with only lip gloss around the campfire. AGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whispered bushfires burning like in the pit of Hell for all money to spend on phones and french fries! seasoned with honey mustard and ants attacked by Mopefield gastric crackers fart killer died funeral unattended friendless Uberbeaver hittin' dat shit right over the space moon across the universe dancing like Gumby with blisters ooze with eggnog milkshakes spiked with Baileys as well as Pepto Bismal. Look into my bathtub sponge, and squeeze your ripe avacados comet until hardy the pit flies into your happy margarita. Of course...they had salsa and gluesticks stuck between their teeth and sliced bread.... How on earth did they make that great big noodle that oddly enough looks like Adam? One morning when Bonocomet awoke she realized how quickly she could switch identities and commit herself to a new chapter of PTA meeting. Kids and their armadillos who were bothering all the Poindexters, went of science and stupidity slobbering again getting googly-eyed over olives in potato salad. Whenever Hardyharhar sees muffins he leaps through flaming donuts while juggling flaming fajitas. "OH!" my bagels got smushed but luckily I rescusitated a poppyseed bagel from certain questionable circumstances and even ballet slippers sometimes look cool in the mud. Suddenly, fireworks and noisemakers exploded!


senior citizens waiting for their u2 GA tix and souvenir freebies including dentures, depends, and galoshes :lmao:

And we even had an appearance from the uymfa mob :up: :)
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