I've seen the future of electro-pop and it is Mylo

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Kieran McConville

ONE love, blood, life
Dec 18, 2001
Hi, Violet
Fresh out of Scotland, this strapping 24-year-old lad grew up in a remote town with nothing but AM soft rock radio to listen to. As a result, he runs a jolly good line in mixed-up electro-pop, witness lead single 'muscle car'.

Well oiled/ that's what you are/ come on and ride/ in my muscle car

Other highlights include a song that appears to feature David Koresh reeling off a list of rock stars that must be eliminated in the name of God, over a tantalising electro-pop backbeat.

Some people are calling Mylo's debut this year's 'Moon Safari', but I just prefer to think of it as Fatboy Slim without the machismo!
not you

anyway, excuse my language, but this motherfucker rocks

Well...drop the pressure does, anyway, I haven't heard anything else yet
Um, I am not sure where to download his music... there might be a promo on http://triplej.net.au (Aussie radio station) since it is their feature album this week.

Or maybe itunes. I am too old-fashioned for all that newfangled whizbangery!

Keep on Rockin' guys!
the title track is so cool! just lists off dozens of rock bands
even mentions U2!
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