Interference idol

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I'm 5'4
brown eyes
talent: I can bend my thumb back behind my finger

Quano Abidji-Achibi said:
les miserables?

yes, les miserables :wink: :hyper:

my favorite musical! I've seen it twice....the first time I saw it in London, the second time I saw it here in Dallas
blue eyes
blonde hair
i can shelve a cartful of library books in ten minutes flat. blindfolded.
and i'm talkin' library of congress classifications, not that sissy dewey decimal stuff.
brown eyes
i have an extremely heightened sense of smell...i kid you not when i say that i probably have a better sense of smell than any trained search dog...though i will not get down on all fours for the sake of law and justice.

plus i can sneeze up to 12 times in a row on demand.

plus i'm sure i can throw a baseball or football further and more accurately than any other female (and probably male for that matter) entering this competition.
Great post, by the way :lmao:
I'm 5'4".
Red hair.
Green Eyes with little bits of blue.
I like to sing. I'm always singing.
I know a great fookin candle when I see one...
I like to draw....I've been told that I'm pretty good at it but I don't believe it...yet....
At 5'0", I am the shortest Interlander in this thread so far.
I have blue eyes.
I can write poems and sing, and I'm great at Jeopardy-style trivia. I also have big knockers.
Brown eyes....

-commonly referred to as "dead sexy"
-my mom says I can do whatever I want
-i dress better than you.....and you too
-by being the tallest to enter the competition thus far, I rule you midgets.....even you Stories..

More than 5, less than 6.
Pale skin
Gold suit
Can balance various items on my horns.

Just passing through,
on my way home.

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