I really can't stand long threads

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screamer dosen't get it

ccolhandlaura said:
jus making it longer!!:p

sorry z edge/LOVE MUSCLE/spylane, dont mean to piss ya off!!

It's okay Laura, you are cool
:confused: at your name
Re: screamer dosen't get it

z edge said:

It's okay Laura, you are cool
:confused: at your name

i know!! i think it must have been my anxiousness to sign up for this thing(!!) but i pressed "c" twice, like SO "cc" and "o" only once!! its meant to be coolhandlaura, as in coolhandluke!

but...z edge?? im looking at my keyboard here and "z" is nowhere NEAR either "t", "h", OR "e"!! more than a little mistake there hmm??!!

DONT WORRY IM JOKIN!! :sexywink: :p

Im not that stupid!:p

annd i rrreally donnt makke thhat manny ssspellin mmmisshhtakes usuaaly
z edge said:
Especially mine they when are, and the gallery peanut comes in and leaves nut crumbs everywhere and the damn-gosh thingie is like 8 long.

So I behoove you to say your please and peace have a biscuit.

And also why the damn does every thread with 110 views only have 11 replies?? By darn yeck golly I have no control as away me others you voted.

Please, get up knees your off


I'm gonna go bathe golden in myself

here's the high lights as I see them...

penis envy, check
night after a Dumbo show, check
penis envy, check
begging, check
penis envy, check
neglected child, check
sense of helplessness/powerlessness, check
oral sex, check
advocating peeing on yerself as sexual self-pleasurement, check

ok ok... so i've been gone on vacation, alright... :tongue:
couldn't help replying:mac: :eyebrow:
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