How do you relax?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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phillyfan26 said:
Not one for beating around the bush are we?


I usually get a pair of huge headphones, lay on my bed, and listen to something chill. Kid A usually does the trick.


I'm not really capable of relaxation. I do let off steam with exercise.
Right now, I'm hoping a banana and a glass of warm milk will do the trick :wink: I remember hearing an NBA player mention that combination for trying to sleep after a game.

But, since you're probably not just talking about sleep, I'd go with LMP, and music. Walking is always good, as well. Music and walking is the heavenly combination for me...especially great if you can venture off the busy streets and head into nature. If it's a serious issue you have, and the little things don't work, I'd definitely talk to your doctor...because it's important to be able to relax. (I think that might be the lamest thing I've ever said :wink:)
Turn off cell phone.
Put on Noise Cancellation headsets.
Listen to some Miles Davis.
Fan on my face.
Glass of red wine.
No shoes or socks.
Sit on my sofa.
RedrocksU2 said:

Remember that we have some young people that post here, this is not necessary.

do we have young people that don't know what masturbation is? :huh: I doubt was clearly a joke anyway...

yeah music is good for relaxin

I dunno I kind of suck at relaxing; my muscles are always tense and I have trouble sleeping. I got some pills to help with that though :up:
Watch TV, do a jigsaw puzzle, etc...

And yes, we do have young people around here. And one of them will be 13 this week, so, um, yeah... would you mind lance? Thanks :happy:
This is one of the ways I relax:

Go out to dinner with a friend.
During dinner have a good talk about life (more specifically : the reasons that prevent you from relaxing: frustrations, worries, etc).
After dinner head to bar/cafe/club for a Zoostation show and rock out to u2 songs.
Spending most of the evening/night on the dancefloor.
And drinking lots and lots of

Sorry to disappoint you.
Water or 7-up.
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AtomicBono said:

do we have young people that don't know what masturbation is? :huh: I doubt was clearly a joke anyway...

Maybe we do. Maybe I'm thinking about them. I'm not doubting it was a joke, but there's a line. It's kind of indefineable, but I think it's when the word gets repeated for repeating sake.
Headphones and certain cds always work for me.

Also, a fairly recent one on the advice of a friend (who told me to do this a couple of years ago, but I didn't pay attention then...tsk tsk) is to paint. Just get some cheap paints (even poster paints), brushes, and a pad of paper and start playing. I suck at painting, but I have to admit it was a hell of a lot of fun. And I listened to music while I was doing it, so that helped. Sculpting or working with clay (polymer clay can be good and not too messy) can be really good too.
Tea/coffee - interestingly it has both effects on me, both energizes and calms, :lol:
Hot bath with aromatic oils and candles...with lotions and oils applied afterwards :drool:
Getting into a freshly made bed with a good book and a cup of cappucino afterward...

* Put my camera on a macro setting and take photos of nature

* Catch up on gymnasts' progress by perusing YouTube vids

* Watch CSI re-runs On Demand, but actually turn the volume low and sleep on the couch

* Read

* Hold my cats
angelordevil said:

Maybe we do. Maybe I'm thinking about them. I'm not doubting it was a joke, but there's a line. It's kind of indefineable, but I think it's when the word gets repeated for repeating sake.

Do you like to DO IT yourself?
For me:

Taking a drive
Being with close friends
Sitting on my balcony, with my headphones on, drinking Orang Juice

I can't relate to people that cannot relax at all; I hope you're able to find something that helps you out with this.
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