Did you know?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Nov 20, 2000
South Bend, IN USA
Did you know...

A duck's quack doesn't echo?
KFC changed its name from Kentucky Fried Chicken because they can't legally call it chicken anymore?
People in Korea eat human fetuses?
Tommy Hilfiger was kicked off the Oprah Winfrey show for making racially disparaging remarks?
Signing a petition will revoke Yassar Arafat's Nobel Peace Prize?
Walt Disney had himself frozen to keep himself alive?
People put their kittnes in jars to alter the way their bones grow?
Congress is going to put a 5 cent surcharge on all emails?
An old Indian curse made several presidents die in office?
Being an only child makes you exempt from military service?
If a prostitute asks someone if he's a cop, he has to answer truthfully?
The most poisonous animal is the daddy longlegs?
Chinese restaurants use cat and dog meat?
Coca Cola erodes your innards?
Liz Claiborne is a satanist?
At 96, George W Bush has the lowest IQ of all American presidents?
If you type the flight number of one of the planes that hit the WTC on 9/11, in the Wingdings font, it shows a disturbing message?
This is the only true thing in this post?
More Americans are afraid of Michael Jackson than they are of vampires.

lol I love MJ, though

~*Mona*~ the Shamrock n rolla!

"Most of our organization is run by women. We sort of work for them, really!" ~BonoBaby~

We live forwards. We understand backwards.

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