Describe: have you been naughty or nice

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Good Morning Miss Bunny - are you hopping this morning? Sorry I'm in a very wierd mood today. Best if you stay away:wave: :hug: :lmao:
^ Such a sweetie :wink: I saw your pic in some one's Journal and you are so pretty if you don't mind me saying.:reject:

<--- After being at my parents this weekend I was also on the road the last two days to different vendors and it's the end of the month........and to make a long story short I have MAD reports and my budget to submit before the end of today and there's absolutely no way this is going to get done in time and I'm :crazy: right now. Please aceept my apology but I needed to get that off of my chest!!!
Woops.. I meant to put an I in that sentence. She's pretty good at not harming them though. She'll wait for me to come out, then she'll drop the mouse in my hand and I'll take him outside.

< has a cat named Cassidy :)
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