David Bowie?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Sep 25, 2004
Just wondering what the thoughts on Bowie are here, i mean definite Bowie influence on Achtung, btw i thinks he class got to love Low, Heroes and Station to Station and what the fuck even Scary Monsters, so what ya all think?
I think that Low, Heroes, and Station to Station are three of the best albums produced in the 1970s. In fact, I'd say that the first two are probably two of the better albums EVER made. Very good music out of Bowie--it's a pity that he's been sliding so rapidly for so long, now...
i actually thought heathen and reality aren't that bad but really nothing compared to those heights
I saw bowie 2 times on his last tour. he still has it. the reality tour shows were really good. pick up the dvd if you can.
ZeroDude said:
i actually thought heathen and reality aren't that bad but really nothing compared to those heights

I didn't like Heathen and haven't heard Reality but Outside is a classic. :drool:
Bowie is one of my old time favorite artists.

I was just watching the Jones Beach 2002 DVD Bowie Bootleg. It was an interesting audience video boot. During the show a storm broke out so Bowie had to leave right after "Heroes". It was a beautiful scene. The rain was coming down hard, the wind was blowing Bowie's champagne colored hair around and he was jumping up and down singing "Heroes".

The band never returned after that song 'cause the storm got worse. I even saw reflections of lighting as Bowie sang his last song. Bowie didn't seem to care and just sang his heart out. I wonder if anyone I know was actually at that Jones Beach show. It was during the Heathen album.
Bowie is amazing. I saw him years ago in LA when NIN opened for him. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw people actually leaving after they saw NIN play! What a**holes.
I'm listening to "reality" right now... :up:

Pablo Picasso never got called an asshole. (OK, he didnt' write this song, but it's so much fun when he sings it)
I love David Bowie! Not too keen on his latest albums, but the concerts are still up there! I met him three years ago and he was so incredibly nice! I was very impressed with him.
it's not the side effects of the cocaine (Staton to Station) is probably one of my faveorite lines ever
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