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The Riddler

Oct 9, 2001
The Garden of Eden
Check in
and check it out
What are you talking about? At least we know you're not Edge now, he's in concert now!
Uvie doesn't have access yet, but she wants to say: "The time change sucks don't it?!? I will be away from Oct. 20 to Oct. 29, so I will save the bottle of Shiraz until I get back!" There ya go Riddler! :)

God Bless America and my city, NYC!

"Do you hear the words that are comin' outta my mouth?"
Why thankyou for mediating FOAD! I'm not on a big time difference just very very busy.Guess I can wait a bit longer for the Shiraz!

Give her a riddler type quote:

"Poets and painters you say have always had an equal license for bold invention.We know this;we claim liberty for ourselves and give it to others"
Horace 65-8 BC

Dilbert: Is there more to life than just working?
Dogbert: Yes, there's also the complaining about work, the nightly periods of unconsciousness and sweet, sweet death.
Dilbert: Maybe I should have kids.
Dogbert: To share the joy? ...
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