New Achtoon Baby cartoon

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I'll be sure to use these tips when I'm overseas... although I'm not going to Fez, and I dunno how many heavily laden donkeys I'll see in the UK :giggle:

I love her work :love:
Alisaura said:

I'll be sure to use these tips when I'm overseas... although I'm not going to Fez, and I dunno how many heavily laden donkeys I'll see in the UK :giggle:

I love her work :love:

If you're going to visit any of the seaside towns in the UK, you just might come across a few donkeys, and some "heavily laden" ones at that!! :wink:

Tip number 6! :lmao: Larry deathglare!! :lmao:
Is that a walkie-talkie or a 15-year-old cell phone in Edge's hand? :)

The artwork is terrific, she has Bono down to a science.
hcbiggs2002 said:
If you're going to visit any of the seaside towns in the UK, you just might come across a few donkeys, and some "heavily laden" ones at that!! :wink:
I will be spending some time in/around Brighton... I'll keep an ear out for "belek! Belek!" :giggle:
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