My Bono Moment

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Dec 6, 2001
Toronto, Ontario
A moment ago I was sitting at my desk, and one of the plant employee's came in to see the Human Resources Manager. While he was waiting he started talking about the economy, and how bad it was. Then he started going on about how the government shouldn't be letting people into the country in a time of need.

We'll that set me off into total Bono mode. I started going on about all the poverty in and disease in the world. I even talked about debt and how that is contributing to problems in many of these countries. I attempted to explain to him why these people are leaving there homeland, and why we, as Canadians, should welcome them with open arms.

I talked to this man for about half an hour, then he went into his meeting. When he came out he thanked me for making him see the other side, and for helping him to remember that there are other people with much bigger problems then not being able to buy a new car, or go on an exotic vacation.

I feel very good about myself!!!

Lemonboy's Maid of Honour

"Here I go and I don't know why
I spin so ceaselessly
Could it be he's taken over me????
you should feel good about yourself
You go Spinny!

Take every opportunity to educate people, that's what I say. (and my friends translate it as "take every opportunity to rant for half an hour about subjects which we could care less about")

Seriously though, I think it's great that you took the time to talk to this person. Sometimes people do need a sort of wake-up call because they wouldn't normally think about what life is like for the majority of the world's people, in comparison to what their life is like.
Converting one soul at time, lol go Spinny!!!!! I try to do the same but usually I get the same response and Fizzy. Oh well, I'm sure they just don't want to admit I'm right

Long live the lemon!!!
That reminds me a few months back (it was AIDS Awareness Day) at work we were talking about the AIDS pandemic in Africa and how horrible it was that these countries can't afford to treat these people. This one coworker says, "Why don't they just give out condoms like they do here to prevent the spread of HIV in Africa." Well once I got off the floor, being knocked over by her ignorance and all, I told her it wasn't that simple, that two thirds of the population are infected. Then she goes "Oh thats a lot of people, I'll make sure I never go there, I wouldn't want to catch it."


Some people you just can't reach *sigh*

Daisy :)

She's standing at the station with her face pressed up against the glass.

"Jon, why can't you do what Bono says"--The Daily Show
To a fellow SWILA: Ali would be proud too.


You don't have to be Henry Kissenger to figure out that a more prosperous world is a more secure world; a more educated world is a more tolerant world; and a more healthy world is a more stable world, and I think that would be a fitting memorial to those who lost their lives on Sept. 11th. ~Bono on Leno, Thanksgiving 2001
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