Morning in PLEBA mansion

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Sep 15, 2000
San Antonio/Austin, TX
It was early morning at PLEBA mansion, most girls were sleeping soundly, other snoring as loud as a Lion, but it was a beautiful morning as Alarm clocks started going off.

Discotheque:*yawns* Ugh morning again, I really wish I could sleep longer but well at least i'm happy at my job in Dublin.

EP:*in the kitchen hearing alarm clocks go off* Well it's time for me to go to sleep now, *slowly walks up to her room*


Echo:*from next door* SHUT UP MONA!!!!!!

Mona: Rackem frackem, why can I not sing in peace?!?!

MG:*mumbles* Must get up, must get u..zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Lemonboy:*downstairs making coffee for the girls* Oh my girls are going to be down here soon I must have everything ready...they can be grumpy sometimes.

Bluey:*groans* I'm a girl of the night, I hate hearing all these alarm clocks every morning. *covers her head with a pillow*

Mrs. Edge:*wakes up cheerily like everyday* It's another new day, I'm ready for the challenges I will face in writing my new story today.

Scottphisto:*downstairs fixing his vending machine* I must get this fixed before the girls wake up and know that I have to do eeeeverything, and not just collect money.

*All the girls are upstairs taking their showers, and gathering together infront of a long row of vanity mirrors getting ready for breakfast*

Discotheque:How is everybody this morning? *putting on make up*

Mrs.Edge: Oh i'm very good thanks. You know I have a new job in Dublin now. I'm actually teaching Bono, Edge and Larry's girls ballet.

Mona: Reaaaally???

Mrs.Edge: Oh yes they're so sweet and very well educated.

Discotheque: I'm glad to hear that. Hey where's MG and Echo? Shouldn't they be getting up by now?

*The girls look at eachother and shrug going about their business while back at the bedrooms...*

Echo:Leave me alone AE! I'm tired I want to sleep!

AE:*shakes Echo knowing that she has to head off to work or she'll be fired, being she's been late about 10 times in the last month*

Echo:*falls off bed* OK OK i'm awake! *walks into her shower, taking a quick one then getting dressed quickly, running to the make up room*

Discotheque: Morning Echo, glad to see you up. We were worried you were going to be late again! Speaking of which! I have to go before I'll be late for my job! See you later girls.

Girls: Bye Discooooooo!

Echo: Yeah i've got to run too! I have about 20 mins to get into Dublin, so if I drive at about 100mph i'll have 5 mins to spare! *runs out quickly grabbing a quick to go mug out of Lemonboy's hand* Thanks!

Lemonboy: You're welcome! Man that girl is always late from what I hear. *goes back into kitchen*

Mrs.Edge: Hey Mona what are you going to do today?

Mona: Well, i'm reeeeeeeeally hungry so i'm going to have breakfast then...I don't know I think i'm going to stand outside Bono's house today.

Mrs.Edge: Again? You know Ali hates seeing you outthere and thinks you should be in school.

Mona: Yeah I know, but hey it's fun watching the Hot Tamale when he leaves.

*Meanwhile back in MG's room, her cellphone rings*

(more to come)


THE Larry Mullen Jr Page

[This message has been edited by Mullen-Girl (edited 01-28-2002).]
MG:*with her eyes still closed tries to find her cellphone on the dresser, she opens it and groans into the phone* helloooo?

Larry: Cristy! Where are you? You were supposed to be here 30 mins ago!

MG:What? What time is it?

Larry: It's half past 8. I need you to help me out with some things, please be here as fast as you can.

MG: I will, i'm sorry Larry I promise not to be late again.

Larry: Ok, bye *hangs up*

MG:*hangs up and smacks forehead* Gawd, This is so embarassing. Being Larry's PA I should be there at first light. *runs into the shower, gets dressed, tries to fix herself as fast as possible and runs down to the kitchen with her briefcase*

Mrs.Edge:*sipping her coffee* Good morning MG. I see you're also running late.

MG: Yeah Larry called me, he sounded a bit upset but he's always understanding.

Lemonboy: Would you like a cup of coffee?

MG: Yes Please. How are you girls this morning?

Mona: Oh i'm great! I'm getting ready to go to Bono's house in awhile.

MG: Again?? You know that...

Mona: I know I know! Ali doesn't like me there but I don't have anything better to do.

Mrs.Edge: Well you could help me with ideas for my new story.

Bluey:*walks into the kitchen slowly, dragging her feet as she just got up* Mornin.

MG: Wow bluey, you're up already? I thought you stayed out until 5 or 6am with Macphisto.

Bluey: It's all these damn alarm clocks! I can't sleep when they're all going off!

Lemonboy:*hands MG her coffee and breakfast* Bluey would you like something?

Bluey:Get me a cup of coffee, just black.

Lemonboy: Yes ma'm.

MG:*eats her breakfast quickly* So how are things with you and Mac, bluey?

Bluey: Oh, couldn't be better! He's such a dear, for being a devil.

Lemonboy:*hands Bluey her coffee and sits down at the table* I really love this job! I mean getting to hang out with girls all day in a huge mansion, I couldn't ask for anything more!

MG:*takes a last sip of coffee and stands up* I'm glad! Now I have to run before Larry calls me again. Bye everybody! *runs out the door tripping over her papers and briefcase*

All: Bye! *giggle*

Mona: Hey you know what I heard from Diso the other day?

Bluey: What?

Mona: She told me that she saw a ghost in her room!

Bluey:*spits out her coffee* A WHAT????

Mona: Yeah a ghost. She said that it looked kinda like...well Elvis.

Mrs.Edge: ELVIS?!?!?!

Lemonboy: Oh boy. Elvis?

Mona: Yeah and he was like sneaking around the halls peeking into the girls rooms.

Bluey: You've got to be kidding me! A ghost that looks like Elvis peeking in the girls' rooms???

Lemonboy: Will you excuse me, I think the coffee is burning. *stands up*

Mrs.Edge:Coffee burning? *shrugs* SO then what happened?

Mona: Well he like tucked all the girls in and stuff. I mean she says he doesn't look like a scary person or somebody that would hurt us but...well still that's kinda freaky.

Bluey: Yes that is definitely freaky! I mean somebody sees me in my PJs?? That's embarassing enough!

Mona: That's what I was saying so last night me and Disco made up a plan to figure out who or what this ghost is!

Mrs.Edge: Do tell.

Mona:*saying softly* Well we're going to go to our rooms and pretend we're sleeping, when this ghost comes into our room we'll smack him with some pillows!

Lemonboy:*trying to listen in*

Bluey: May we help you?

Lemonboy: Uhh, no! Um, I just wanted to know if you needed anything else? I have to run into town to buy some groceries and stuff.

Mona: No we're fine, thanks. *whispers* So what do you girls think?

Mrs.Edge: I love it! Count me in!

Bluey: Well I dont' know if i'll be in early tonight but count me in too!

Mona: Alright it's settled then! We'll catch this mofo whoever or whatever it is!

*Mona, leaves to go to Bono's house, Bluey retires back to her room, while Mrs. Edge heads to the library to begin writing her stories*

(more to come still lol)


THE Larry Mullen Jr Page

[This message has been edited by Mullen-Girl (edited 01-28-2002).]
*The time is 7pm, most of the girls are coming in from their jobs in Dublin, you see the cars lining up in the garage and the front of the mansion*

Lemonboy:*opens the door* Good evening girls. Did you all have a good day at work?

Disco: Oh yeah, it wasn't too bad. I guess thanks. *walks in*

Maddie: Arrrrrrrgh those foooookin wankers at work make me so fookin pissed off! *walks in after Disco*

Echo:*walks in and sees AE standing behind the door waiting for her* Hey AE, did you behave while I was gone?

AE:*nods and smiles, taking all of Echo's things*

Echo: Why thanks sweetie!

EP:*walks downstairs, after her long nap* Hey girls! How is everybody?

All: Ok.

Mona:*runs in the door with a huge smile on her face* Hey everybody!

Lemonboy:*notices nobody else is outside and closes the door*

Bluey: Hey girls. Glad to have you all home! We have something to tell you!

*All the girls walk into the living room, Bluey closes the door behind them before Lemonboy can get inside*

Bluey: Sorry this is girl talk. We'll call you if we need anything.

Lemonboy: Um, ok.

Maddie: So what's this you need to tell us?

Mrs.Edge:*walks in from the study next door and sits down*

Mona: Tell them Disco!

Disco: Well ok. Look girls I was telling Mona last night that there's this ghost in our house.

All: GHOST????

Disco: Yeah, it's a ghost that looks like Elvis!

EP: Elvis? You have got to be kidding me!

Disco: No no, I swear it's an elvis look alike but we have this plan....

*Meanwhile outside MG is speeding into the garage, jumping out of her car and into the mansion, she is greeted by Lemonboy*

Lemonboy: Good evening MG. Let me take your things.

MG: Thanks. *throws all her stuff at Lemonboy, who is almost knocked over by it* Where is everybody?

Lemonboy: They're all in the living room.

MG:Thanks! *runs into the living room* Sorry girls! I don't mean to be late but you know Larry need me to file some things for him. *sits down* What are we talking about?

Disco: A ghost that looks like Elvis!

MG: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Ok.

Disco: Look i'll tell you about it later, now we have to discuss what we're going to do about this.

Mona: We had an idea that we should pretend we're sleeping and then when that thing comes in we smack him or her or whatever it is with a pillow!

Maddie: I say we just kick his arse Irish style!

Mrs.Edge: No no, I think the pillow thing will be good that way he won't suspect.

Bluey: We must get this person back for seeing me in my PJ's!

Echo: Hmm, I think AE knows who it is, but since he can't talk I can't figure out who he's trying to tell me that it is!

AE:*walking around dusting*

MG: Beats me. Well i'll do whatever you girls agree to do.

Disco:Alright! Then it's settled, that's what we'll do. Now let's go have dinner.

Maddie:*opens the door and finds Lemonboy with a glass to the door* What the foook do you think you're doing?

Lemonboy: Uhh, nothing. Dinner is served!

*The girls walk into the dining room and have their dinner. After dinner, Bluey heads off with Mac, and the rest of the girls watch tv for a while then head off to bed, knowing what they all have to do*

(still more)


THE Larry Mullen Jr Page

[This message has been edited by Mullen-Girl (edited 01-28-2002).]
*All the girls are upstairs in their rooms even tho it is only 10pm, Scottphisto arrives at the mansion and walks into the kitchen finding Lemonboy sitting eating his late dinner*

Scottphisto:Whoa! I just got here and it's really quiet. What's going on?

Lemonboy: Well i'm not sure. They all went to sleep early, except for Bluey. I guess they're really tired or something.

Scottphisto: Damn! I wanted to hang out with Mona for awhile. Oh well, I guess i'll just grab something from the fridge and head off to my room. I'll see ya tomorrow man!

Lemonboy: Yes take care.

*The girls are all in the make up room in their PJ's*

Disco: Alright, everybody knows what to do?

All: Yeah!

MG: Isn't this kinda suspicious, I mean we usually don't go to bed before midnight.


All: MONA!!!

Mona: Whaaaaaaaat? Ok i'll be quiet.

EP: Well you know that I have to keep watch downstairs, I'll keep an eye out for anything suspicious.

Mrs.Edge: Alright girl, if anything happens just hollar really loud for us to hear!

EP:Alright *walks out of the room and downstairs taking her usual place*

Maddie:Well i've got everything I need, but I really really wanted to watch the telly a bit longer.

Echo: You can do that tomorrow. We have to figure out who this is.

Disco: Yeah, so do you have any clue what AE is still trying to tell us?

Echo: I dont' know he's being a bit vague about it.

All:*Look at AE, who is wearing an apron and shaking his bum*

MG: I really have no clue, actually I have my suspicions that he's

Echo:*Gasp* Nooooo, he's not gay!


Disco: Alright girls, to your rooms. Now remember if anything happens, smack the Elvis ghost and scream for us to come to your room ok?

All: Ok!

*The girls head off to their rooms one by one, some of them fake loud yawns, others just drag into their rooms. All is quiet until suddenly....*

(ok i'm almost done lol)


THE Larry Mullen Jr Page

[This message has been edited by Mullen-Girl (edited 01-28-2002).]
*Footsteps were heard out in the hallway, all the girls heard, and were ready for whatever it was, suddenly the footsteps stop infront of Mona's door*

Mona:*whispers*OMD OMD OMD! he stopped infront of my door...ok ok I have to pretend like i'm sleeping! *snores really loud*

ElvisG:*keeps walking down the hallway and stops infront of Disco's door*

Disco:*whispers* C'mon baby! I want to smack you hard for spying in on us! *grabs her pillow*

ElvisG:*walks down the hallway stopping infront of every door, until he makes it to Echo's*

Echo:*swallows hard and whispers* Ok AE you ready in case anything happens?

AE:*nods with broom in hand standing next to the door*

ElvisG:*slowly turns the knob and walks into Echo's room when *smack* he's hit and is on the ground*

Echo:*smack* *smack* *smack* yeeeah you like that don't you?!?!?!?!

AE:*hits the ghost with the broom a few times*


*All the girls run into the room and turn on the light, gasping to see who it is*

Disco: LEMONBOY! I should have known! You looked suspicious this morning when we were talking about it.

MG:What's with the Elvis suit?

Lemonboy: Argh! You girls found me out! Well every night I walk around the mansion, tucking you girls in. I never thought you'd mind! And well I love Elvis and these are my PJ's.


Mrs.Edge: You should at least have asked us! Some of us maybe don't want to be tucked in and maybe some do!

EP: Yeah, so what should we do girls?

MG:Ok let's huddle! *gets into huddle* What do you think we should do?

Mona: I think we should punish him!

Disco: Well I mean it was sweet of him to think of doing that for us.

Echo: Yeah but it's weird! I'll admit he's nice tho.

Maddie: Maybe we should give him an Irish beating!

MG: No I think that's too harsh. I think maybe we should give him another chance.

*While the girls are talking Scottphisto walks up to the girls' hallway*

Scottphisto: What is going on here? I heard screaming! *Looks down at Lemonboy in Elvis suit* BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HE THINKS HE'S ELVIS!!!!!!

Lemonboy:*mumbles to himself*

Disco: Alright it's settled! Lemonboy, we think it's sweet that you would think of doing that but honestly, you should just ask us if we want you to do that. We will give you another chance and let you stay here since you're always so sweet to us.

Lemonboy: YAY!!! I promise i'll ask next time!

Maddie: Now let's all get dressed and go to the pub, i soooooooo want a pint!

All: yeah!

*Everybody gets dressed and goes to the pub for a pint, laughing at the whole Elvis ghost story*

The End


THE Larry Mullen Jr Page

[This message has been edited by Mullen-Girl (edited 01-28-2002).]

That was WONDERFUL!!!!!


Oh my God! I'm still laughing. you captured everyone's personalities to a "t"!!! Oh daaarling that was perfect!!

By the way, as I was reading this I was bleary eyed from staying up too late and I was drinking black coffee for breakfast. How did you get my personality in there? WOW. That's EERIE! And the Jammies, I HATE people seeing me in my pjs.

THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME GO OUT WITH MACPHISTO!!!!!! *HUGE HUG* I love how I didn't really come back that night either *raises eyebrow and nods like Joey from "friends"* I'd like to think that Mackie and I went to Barcelona for a couple of weeks. *sigh*

Bluey heads off with Mac
THE most beautiful partial sentance in the english language.... *SIGH*

*is rapturous with delight*

-Delighted Bluey who is skipping class ... again.

It's true that every time you hear a bell, an angel gets its wings. But what they don't tell you is that every time you hear a mouse trap snap, and Angel gets set on fire. -Jack Handy
*peeks in* *looks around* Can I play next time? I'll bring the boos! muahahahahaha! *runs out to the boos and screeches away*

"It's all about drums."

Whether you love me or hate me you can still email me:
Well,it?s for the money,two for the show!

*Shakes hips*

That is the most hillarious thing I?ve ever read!!! Just being included in a PLEBA story is Huge!

But as Elvis!!

I laughed so hard that I almost fell of my chair!!

You girls ROCK!

"Master of sexual innuendo"
"PLEBA Mansion Bootler"
OMD!!! Hehe...I loved it!

The PLEBA girls remind me of Scooby Doo!



LMAO, Great one MG!!!!

And love is not the easy thing...the only baggage you can bring is all that you can't leave behind.

BONO: FOAD, Lawrence. Just FOAD. (LOL, Mona)

Create Light, Create Unity, Create Joy, CREATE PEACE!
LMAO! I'm glad you guys liked it...Bluey girlie...lmao i can't believe i was so accurate I was actually just guessing lmao
Clarity chickie...I'll write another story with us and the Discoboooos tomorrow or something *huuuuuuugs*


THE Larry Mullen Jr Page

[This message has been edited by Mullen-Girl (edited 01-28-2002).]
Originally posted by Mullen-Girl:
LMAO! I'm glad you guys liked it...Bluey girlie...lmao i can't believe i was so accurate I was actually just guessing lmao
Clarity chickie...I'll write another story with us and the Discoboooos tomorrow or something *huuuuuuugs*

Well Im not a big Elvis fan but I really liked it!

Be sure to save me a seat on the boooos If ya girls want any picknick food!

If the space is limited anyone is free to sit in(on?) my lap!

"Master of sexual innuendo"

"PLEBA Mansion Bootler"

"Proud member of the U2 gender"
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