Miscellaneous: Picture Mix

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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Aug 26, 2001
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Is it just me or sometimes you come across a pic and you can't find a thread where post it?

So I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread where we can put all those pics without a "category".



Niamh_Saoirse said:
Is it just me or sometimes you come across a pic and you can't find a thread where post it?


Great idea! :up:

I think this is the only one I have right now, will check for more later.

From some guy's blog.."Proof at last that Bono did indeed turn up at Greenbelt 1987 dressed up as a steward. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so most of you saw him, I know. I'm one of those suckers whose had to wait all this time for the publication of Thirty, the book, to see it for myself. "

MrsSpringsteen said:
From some guy's blog.."Proof at last that Bono did indeed turn up at Greenbelt 1987 dressed up as a steward. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so most of you saw him, I know. I'm one of those suckers whose had to wait all this time for the publication of Thirty, the book, to see it for myself. "


Do you think that's Ali sitting next to Bono on the right? :hmm:
F*** the watermarks!!!
Sorry for bad language... I just hate those watermarks!

Thanks for beautiful pictures! Thanks a lot!
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