Looking for pictures

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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The Fly
Jan 7, 2003

I want to expand my U2 picture collection, could you send me some images (your full collection :p) I want to create a colage also.

Thanks, I'll host all the images in a web site.

my email:

This kind of question would have been fine in the forum you posted it in...but PLEBA gals are known for pics, so I moved this thread in hopes of them being able to assist you! :wave:
I could never send mine because it's too big, and because it has taken me and everybody else here, tons of time, effort, research, passion, etc.

You can start by saving the ones that have been posted here, and that would mean that you'd be starting with a great collection.

And there are lots of other sites, as well as magazines, where you can search for new ones.
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