Light My Fire - Chapter 3

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Blue Crack Addict
Oct 7, 2005
Hell For Certain, Kentucky
I'm still enjoying all the feedback on this fic. I would've been responding to the comments in the other thread(s), but I've been crazy busy lately. I have a life now, whodathunk?

A few notes. Yeah, it's an Adam fic, and I'm mostly used to Bono fics, but Adam is love and this needed to be written. I do, however, really like the way I've written Bono in this fic. It was fun writing the band young in general, but Bono especially. Can you imagine the rest of them just barely tolerating his silly annoyingness? Bless. :tongue:
Also, have you noticed my Adam-fro fetish? :lol:

So yeah, chapter 3 here, the morning after :tongue:


At 9:30 AM, Heather’s alarm clock went off with a blaring beep. Groggily, she reached out from under the duvet to jam the snooze button. When she saw the time however, a brief panic clutched at her insides. But her anxiety over being late for work was quickly replaced by a different kind of worry when she remembered that she’d quit her job. She needed to get up, get a newspaper, and begin seeing about finding a new one.

Heather rolled over onto her other side, cozy under the warm blankets and replayed the previous day’s events in her mind. A smile traced her lips and grew wider and wider the more she thought of Adam. With the memory of him taking over her thoughts, Heather became fully awake and got out of bed.

After nearly an hour, she’d had a cigarette, taken a shower, gotten dressed, and downed a cup of coffee. Then it was down the street to the corner, where she purchased the morning’s paper and a couple of chocolate doughnuts. When she arrived back at her building, she stopped in front of the stoop and stared at it briefly, wondering if it would always remind her of Adam.

Back in her apartment, she put one of U2's albums back on the record player and sat down at her small kitchen table with a cup of coffee at hand, and the classifieds spread out before her. She pored through the pages, circling ads, but found herself distracted by her own wandering thoughts time and again. By the time the record stopped spinning and plunged the room back into silence, she’d barely made a dent in the want ads. Heather got up, put on the second U2 record, and determined herself to concentrate on finding a suitable job. She would have plenty of time to think of Adam later, right now she needed to get down to business.

Adam found himself almost too busy that morning to think too much about Heather. While she was heading out to get her newspaper, he was tucked into the backseat of a car with Bono, on the way to an interview. Initially, Bono attempted to question Adam about what he’d done the night before, but Adam managed to skirt the questions completely, and instead changed the subject to a moan about how boring interviews were when everyone asked you the same questions.

The interview indeed proved as boring as expected, and afterward they returned to the hotel for lunch with Edge and Larry. They were halfway through their meal when Adam looked up just in time to see their manager Paul entering the dining room with a couple of crew members. Adam needed to talk to Paul about getting a ticket reserved for Heather, and so he pushed away from the table.

“I’ll be back in a minute, guys.” He said, turning to make a beeline for Paul. Behind him, he could hear Bono questioning Edge.

“What’s that about? Where’s he going?”

“Am I my bassist’s keeper?”

“You’re a clever one, The Edge.” Bono said, and Adam could hear amusement in his voice before he’d moved too far away from the table to hear them at all. Paul didn’t notice him approaching until almost the last moment.

“Oh, hello Adam.”

“Hi. Listen Paul, could I talk to you for a moment?”

“Sure.” Paul said slowly, his brows furrowing slightly. “Is something wrong?”

Adam smiled. “Not at all, something’s right actually.” He paused. “I had a date last night.”

“Ah, I see.” Paul said, smiling knowingly, with a touch of paternal pride. Although he wasn’t much older than the band, they’d all been so young when he’d met them that he often took on a sort of fatherly role with them.

“She’s amazing.” Adam said, his grin growing wider. He took a moment to reminisce, while Paul waited patiently. Finally he got a hold of himself and continued on. “I invited her to the show tonight. Can you have a ticket set aside for her at the box office?”

“Of course. What’s her name?”

“Heather Foster. Get her a good seat, on my side of the stage.”

“Will do, and do you want her backstage after the show?”
Adam’s eyes grew wide. “That didn’t even occur to me, but yeah, I definitely do.” He paused and this time it was his own brow that furrowed with worry. “But... she’s not gonna know she’s supposed to come backstage.”

Paul chuckled and patted him on the back. “Don’t worry, I’ll collect her for you at the end of the show and bring her back.”
Adam smiled. “Thank you so much, Paul.”

“That’s what I’m here for. Now get back to your table before Bono hurts himself trying to figure out what we’re talking about.”
Adam laughed and turned to do so. As soon as he’d sat back down at the table, Bono leaned in to interrogate him.

“So what was that all about?”

Adam opened his mouth to give an answer, any answer just to satiate Bono’s curiosity, but before he could get more than half a sound out, still unsure of what he was actually going to say, Edge spoke up.

“Last night Adam met a man called Roger E. in a bar. He has a radio show called ‘Easy E’s Rock and Wave Hour’. Adam invited him to our show tonight, and was just making sure Paul knew about it.”

Adam looked over at Edge in awe and gratitude. Bono, however, was looking at Edge in annoyance. “Well why didn’t you just say that?”

“I didn’t want you to get your hopes up in case he doesn’t show up.”

“Oh.” Bono said slowly, and absentmindedly reached over to Edge’s plate and took a French fry.

“Bono, stop stealing my chips! If you wanted some, you should’ve ordered some.” Edge said, sounding more annoyed than he actually was.

Bono made a face at Edge. “But I only wanted a few.” With that, Adam knew that his near-crisis of keeping Bono from finding out about Heather had been completely averted.

The rest of their meal passed without incident, and when they were through, they all congregated in the lobby and waited for an elevator to take them back up to their rooms. An elevator finally arrived, and when the doors opened, they were greeted by a gaggle of preteen girls. The girls all wore matching lavender sashes, identifying them as a team of some sort, and were accompanied by two adult female chaperones. The moment the girls caught sight of the band, they erupted into shrieks, giggling and clutching at one another. One of the smaller ones even raised one hand and pointed at Bono’s hair, which was currently two-toned.

The boys all looked at one another, waiting to see who would step through the gaping doors first to join the excited girls. The moment seemed to stretch on and on, while the young girls continued to carry on. Finally the elevator doors began to slide closed again, and one of the tired-looking chaperones instinctively reached out to push it back open again and hold it there.

Finally, Larry spoke. “We’ll just get the next one, thanks.”

The sound of his voice, and probably more specifically his accent, sent the girls into a fresh peal of squeals, which echoed through the hall until the elevator doors finally closed again, shutting them out.

“When did we become the fecking Beatles?” Larry muttered, as he moved farther down the bank of elevators, to where another one had opened up, this one empty.

“Oh, girls that age will squeal at anything.” Adam paused. “But maybe we should’ve gotten a Ringo.”

Larry whirled around and glared at Adam. Adam laughed.

Heather was quite busy through much of her day. She went through the entire classifieds section looking for appealing jobs, made phone calls to inquire about them further, and spent some time editing her resume. Of course, she also took several satisfying breaks during which she daydreamed about Adam. Many of these breaks came about purely by accident. Her mind just had a way of wandering directly to him.

When she was convinced she’d done all she could possibly do that day in her job search, she kicked back and picked up the phone. She wanted to call her best friend Jenny. Heather had so much to tell her.

The phone rang two and a half times before Jenny answered with a perkiness in her voice that Heather knew to be pasted on.

“Haliburton and Associates.”

“Hey, it’s Heather. Can you talk?”

“One moment, ma’am.” Jenny said, and Heather could clearly picture her rolling her chair back to look around and see if the coast was clear.

Ma’am? Oh please.” Heather said, smiling.

“Okay, the boss is busy with a client. What’s up?”

“I had a date last night.”

Jenny gasped audibly. “Spill!”

Heather drew in a deep breath to begin. “Okay, yesterday right after I...” She paused. “Oh god, I haven’t told you about that yet either, have I?”

“What?” Jenny said and Heather could almost see her raising her eyebrows.

“I quit my job yesterday.”

“You quit your job?!” Jenny’s words came in a shocked and raspy shout-whisper.

“We both knew it would happen sooner or later. I wasn’t happy there. But I don’t want to get into that right now, I’d rather focus on Adam.”

“Adam? Is that his name?”

“Yes, and he’s wonderful.” Heather sighed happily.

“Well hurry up and tell me about him then!” Jenny’s voice was rising in pitch from her excitement.

“Okay, right after I quit my job, all I wanted was a cigarette, so I sat down outside the building to have one, but my stupid lighter chose that moment to stop working.”


“Yeah, and that just got to me, because all I wanted a smoke, and my lighter wouldn’t work, and it hit me that I’d quit my job, that I’d actually quit my job. So I was sitting there with my head in my hands, and my useless lighter and unlit cigarette. And out of the blue came Adam, offering me a light.”

“Your knight in shining armour.”

“Shining blue jeans, more like it.” Heather said, laughter creeping into her voice. “So he sat and had a cigarette with me, and we got to talking. He’s English, Jenny. God, you should hear his voice!”

This time it was Jenny who made a pleasured sighing sound. “Come on Heather, I need more details. Tell me what he looks like!”

“Okay, okay. He has this amazing hair. It’s this bleached blonde fro. It’s incredibly soft.”

Jenny squealed. “Oh man, go on.”

“He’s handsome, with blue eyes, and amazingly soft lips.”

Jenny squealed again, louder this time. “Oh don’t describe his lips to me! You’re going to get me in trouble!”

Heather laughed. “Okay, okay, I’ll leave the rest to your imagination.”

“My imagination, like that’s gonna help.”

Heather continued. “I suggested he meet me for a drink, and afterward we went to a record store. Get this, Jenny, he’s in a band. A real rock band, that are on tour right now!”

“What?! You should’ve told me that first! Is it anyone I know?”

“I don’t think so. They’re called U2, and they’ve got two albums. We went over to the record store so that I could buy them. He didn’t want me to, said he could just give me copies, but I insisted. I told him he could make it up to me by buying dinner.”

“Oh real subtle, Heather.” Jenny said, laughing.

Heather continued, telling Jenny everything from the spiked Pepsi, to the streetcorner kiss, and the long goodbye outside her building. When she was done, Jenny gave a slow and slightly mournful sigh. “Aww Heather, I’m jealous!”

“You have a boyfriend, Jenny!”

Jenny laughed. “I know, but there’s nothing like new love. And with a musician! Steve works for a boring ol’ insurance agency.”

“Bring me your woes some other time, I’m too happy right now to listen.”

“As you should be. When are you seeing him again?”

“They’ve got a show tonight, he invited me along.”

“I want to come!”

“I knew you would, and I’d invite you, because I do want you to meet him, but he’s setting up my ticket and everything, and it’d be rude to just bring someone else along without asking.”
Heather said, but on Jenny’s end of the line there was only silence. “Jenny?”

A few seconds more of silence, and then: “Thank you for that information, ma’am.”

Heather smiled. “The boss is standing behind you, isn’t he?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Call me back if you get a chance, okay?”

“We will, ma’am. Thank you.”

Heather said goodbye and hung up the phone with a sigh. She wished she’d been able to talk to Jenny longer. She had so much more to talk to her about, and had little else to do right now.

She glanced at the clock. It was barely even mid afternoon. She still had a lot of time to kill before she had to leave to go see Adam perform. She couldn’t wait.

Lying on the table before her was a notepad, upon which she’d jotted down phone numbers and addresses of prospective employers. Now she absentmindedly began to doodle on it. Flowers first, then hearts, and finally Adam’s name. Even his name looked beautiful to her now. She seemed to really be falling for him, and it all seemed to be happening so fast. She looked at the clock again. Despite how fast everything seemed to have happened in the last twenty-four hours, the hands moved as slowly as ever.

“Thanks for that.” Adam said to Edge as soon as they were once again alone in their hotel room.

“Hmm?” Edge murmured as he made his way back over to his bed where his suitcase lay open.

“For covering for me. Roger E., where did you get that? Is there really such a person?”

“There is, I listened to his show on the radio last night. But I doubt he’d ever come to one of our shows. He seemed like quite a bit of a jerk.”

“Ah.” Adam said, and paused to imagine that night’s show. Heather would be there. Roger E. would not. But Bono didn’t know that. “I hope Bono doesn’t say something stupid and embarrass us.”

“Oh, I’m sure he’ll want to give a shoutout and dedicate a song.” This time it was Edge who paused thoughtfully to picture the gig. “Perhaps I’ll suggest The Electric Co.”

Adam looked over at Edge then and they exchanged a look of silent understanding, then burst out laughing. Even if Roger E. wasn’t there, dedicating a song that started out ‘Boy! Stupid boy!’ to a jerk like him would be perfect. Their laughter died quickly, but the shared warmth of amusement remained as both men lay down on their beds for an attempt at some after-lunch relaxation.

The peaceful stillness in their hotel room lasted all of twenty minutes before the door to their hotel room burst open with a crash. Adam and Edge both jerked into alert apprehension, as neither of them could see the door from where they lay, but then an all too familiar voice put them back at ease, somewhat.

“Hey, Edge!” Bono said, bouncing into the room. Adam glanced sideways at Edge, who closed his eyes again and lay still with his delicate fingers interlaced loosely across his stomach. Bono worked his way over to Edge’s bedside and leaned over him. “Guess what! I just rang Paul to ask him if he thinks Roger E. would want to meet us after the show.”

Edge snapped his eyes open and sat up so fast that he nearly headbutted Bono. “You did?!” He asked, trying not to sound alarmed, but failing. Fortunately, Bono didn’t notice.

“Yeah, but I never got the chance.” At this, Adam could see Edge visibly relax. “He asked me if we had any plans this afternoon, and I said I didn’t think so, and he asked me if we’d like to go visit a few places in the city this afternoon, and have a photographer follow us along. What do you think?”

“What do you think, Adam?” Edge said, glancing over at him.

“I’ve nothing else to do.” Adam said casually, although inwardly he was grateful for the distraction such an afternoon would bring. Otherwise he’d probably spend too many hours lying on this bed and thinking about Heather.

“Alright, then.” Edge said to Bono.

“Cool, I’ll go call him back.” Bono said, and left them once again in peace.

An hour later, they were waiting restlessly in the lobby of the hotel for their car to arrive. When it finally did, a very tall man with a short mop of curly hair atop his head and a large camera around his neck extracted himself from the passenger seat. As soon as he’d gotten free of the confines of the car and was standing at his full height, Bono whispered “Christ, he’s a giant!”

The ‘giant’ turned out to be Anton Corbijn, a Dutch rock and roll photographer whose photos they certainly would have recognized. Once they realized who he was, they were in slight awe of him for more than just his height. Introductions were brief however, and they wasted no time before crowding back into the car and hitting the road.


Yeah, yeah, I know that that's not really how they met Anton Corbijn, but I love him so much I had to include him in the story :lol:
Yay, first reply :hyper:

DreamOutLoud13 said:
“That’s what I’m here for. Now get back to your table before Bono hurts himself trying to figure out what we’re talking about.”
:lol: I love that bit!

Great chapter again, DOL! :up: It is good to see Adam starring in a fic, and you're right, it's fun to read about the band at this age in general.

Bravo! :D

PS: I've got this pic as my MSN icon at the moment, makes me think of this fic... I dunno if it's October-era or not, but the 'fro is there :wink:
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Close enough for government work, Alisaura :up:

I'm fond of this one though, you could almost consider it part of the inspiration for this fic:


I don't even know if this is a Anton photo, but in my head, it's from the informal shoot the band are getting ready to go on with Anton in my fic! :D
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