In the maze of her imagination - pt 2

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Apr 8, 2004
MA - the land of every weather pattern imaginable
Disclaimer - absolute rubbish :)

“Gioia.” She was surprised that anything other than a croak came out.

“Joy-yah.” He pronounced her name carefully. He contemplated it for a moment, his eyes never leaving hers.

Where are you from Gioia?” He spoke softly and calmly.

“Boston.” Pause. “Massachusetts.”

He nodded. “Great city. Pleasure to meet you…..Gioia.”
He reached out his hand and after a shocked second, Gioia shook it.

“I don’t know how you got past the security guards. I remember seeing from the stage that they were everywhere. I guess it doesn’t matter anyway. They weren’t actual security guards were they?”

She shook her head in agreement. “Who were they?” She asked softly.

“I have no idea. I’m assuming they were from a political group. Maybe? Not sure which. I’m not taking it personally. I don’t know if they were against what I stand for or it may be possible they didn’t even know who I was. They could’ve wanted to take me just so to say that they took someone famous to use as ransom to help their cause. Who knows at this point? They weren’t actually in a talkative mood when they grabbed me. But they were definitely making a statement of some sort. He grinned at her. “I can relate”

Gioia smiled. She thought his talkative nature so charming. His smile was so engaging that she couldn’t help smiling as well.

“From what I’ve been able to gather, they were expecting a reporter. Not you.” He let out a loud “Ha!” “Their plans were ruined. I’m really sorry that you were pulled into this. They should’ve just let you go when they discovered their mistake.”

“Where are they taking us?” Gioia didn’t want to admit it but she was worried. She pictured all sorts of horrible endings. She envisioned headlines, her funeral, and her crying father, all in one flash.

“I really don’t know. Either they are going to continue with their goals or abandon them outright. Although I can’t even being to know where their thoughts are at, racing away in this rig like they are. I guess we’ll find out soon enough. Don’t worry.” He reassured her.

He watched her face to see if he was successful in making her feel better. He saw that she was trying to absorb all the information. She was failing miserably in trying to control the emotions on her face.

To her utter disbelief he put his arm out to her, beckoning her to move closer. Gioia sat for a few seconds, frozen in place, still not believing that this incredible individual was Bono in the flesh. And he wanted her to move closer to him!

Don’t think! Don’t think! She cried to herself. She ducked under his arm and rested her head on his upper chest. He wrapped his arm around her. She stopped breathing and closed her eyes tightly. Then she could hear his heart beating loudly. She wondered what he was thinking. He seemed calm. Was he really as calm as he seemed? He couldn’t be that confident. Could he?

Gioia glanced at her watch. It was almost 1am. Bono flicked the lighter closed, knowing that they may need it later. In the darkness Gioia could hear the truck’s motor, driving them deeper into the night. She tried to fight the fear. She drew in a ragged breath. Bono tightened his grip around her. For some reason she was trying to block out who he was. She concentrated on the strength and reassurance of his embrace and she felt safe.

“Goodnight Bono” Damn!! She could’ve kicked herself.

The silence was deafening.

“Goodnight Gioia”, he whispered with a chuckle.

She smiled despite it all.

Gioia woke up when the truck hit a bump in the road. Bump?? It could’ve been a ditch, hard to tell. She squinted in the semi darkness. Daylight was trying to penetrate the edges of the tailgate. It took her a few seconds to realize the position she was in. She was lying on her side, her head on something smooth. She lifted her head and saw that she was lying on Bono’s leather jacket. Her mind raced and her heart started to beat furiously. Had she drooled?? Screw that! Had she snored?

“Good morning”. Bono was pacing the truck. He seemed like a caged animal. He was stretching out the kinks in his back and arms as he walked back and forth. His movements made Gioia’s mouth dry and her heart beat faster.

“Good morning”, she croaked out. Ah! There’s nothing like a bit of Bono in the morning. She cleared her throat. “What’s going on?”

Bono shook his head. “I don’t know. I don’t think we’ve stopped at all. I would’ve felt it”. Since I barely slept a wink. He stopped pacing and walked over to her. He put his hand out to help her up. She took his hand. It was so warm. She stood up and tried to work the knots out of her back and neck.

“Come here. “ He muttered to her. He turned her around and proceeded to rub her neck and shoulders with a practiced hand. The heat started to rise in her cheeks and she proceeded to unsuccessfully think of something else other than Bono’s bare hands on her shoulders. After a moment she gave up and closed her eyes.

“I don’t think they are going to kill us”

Gioia’s eyes popped open and she whirled on him. “Was that even an option!”

He ran his hand though his tousled hair. “It’s always an option with these types of people. But if they wanted to kill us or worse, they would’ve done so by now.”

“Well that’s reassuring”, she grumbled, trying not to think about what “worse” could mean.

Bono smiled. “I think I should warn you that my mind usually works overtime just to keep up with my mouth. I’m sorry for upsetting you. I don’t think we should worry until we have something to worry about. I’m sure that the local authorities have been notified of our being taken. It’s just a matter of time until we’re found. It was a very sloppy kidnapping, I might add.”

Gioia smiled reluctantly. She nodded. “Thank you for the neck rub.” She said softly.

Bono grunted. “Well then, regardless of whatever they have in store for us or wherever they’re taking us, we should get comfortable. I think we have a long wait in front of us. He sat down and leaned against the truck for support.

Gioia nodded in agreement and plopped herself down beside him.
Bono then did what he does best. He started talking. He told Gioia about life on the road. He spoke about his fans and what they mean to him. He also mentioned his favorite places to visit.
They talked for hours. Through it all, Gioia couldn’t take her eyes off of his face. She studied it. Every inch of it. From his piercing blue eyes to his lips to his sexy, chiseled chin. She closed her eyes at one point to focus on the lilt in his accent.

He stopped talking. “Bored?”

Gioia was so embarrassed. “No!!! I’m sorry--I was just--.”

Bono laughed. “I’m sure if I tried I could put myself to sleep.”

Gioia laughed with him and for a split second forgot who he was as she nudged him familiarly with her elbow. Bono raised his eyebrows in surprise. They hit an awkward silence and they looked at each other until it turned uncomfortable. He cleared his throat.

“Uh...Would you want to hear a song we’ve been working on?” He asked shyly.

“Yes!” Her enthusiasm made him chuckle.
She leaned back against the wall of the truck and got comfortable as he started to sing.

The song was very sexy, slow and sensual. It was a love song (Of course, by that time, he could’ve been singing the dictionary and it would’ve sounded like a love song) and Bono had his eyes closed with his head back against the wall. His face was intense and his voice sultry and soulful.

It was beautiful.
He was beautiful.
Gioia fell asleep.

The next thing she knew, she was being gently shaken awake. She jumped up; horrified that she had fallen asleep on Bono’s song.

“Oh Bono! I’m so sorry! It was so soothing and I—“

Bono smiled and put up his hand. “Listen”

Gioia listened intently. The truck had stopped!

“It stopped recently. But I don’t hear any voices at all”. He looked into her frightened eyes. “I think we’re alone. I think they left us”.
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