In need of some pics... but does they excist?!

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Jan 21, 2004
Okay PLEBANs - a little challenge for you...

It's raining here, it's a boring sunday and I need some pics to cheer me up, but not just any pics... And the thing is - I don't know if they even excist...! :huh:

In the "A couple of (small) new Bono pics"-thread someone wrote about Bono in Aspen and how they would love to see him skiing and Angela found this quote:

I found a quote from Adam once in regards to that: he said, "We get our skiis on and Bono falls over immediately". And the thing said that quote was from back in '82. So apparently Bono did ski at one time, but wasn't very good at it. . Don't know if he still does it now.

I'd give almost anything and :applaud: :bow: :hug: to anyone who can find pics of Bono skiing - I think pics of Bono skiing is the only thing that can cheer me up today... :D
I've read that story about the skiing and falling over too,a few years ago. I suppose it was in an interview. As I recall that was indeed early 80's and they were touring the states a lot. So the ended up in a skiing area and they thought 'it can't be that difficult,so let's give it a go'. I think it was Adam who made that quote. See Bono falling up him off imediatly:lol:
But I never saw pics of any of them skiing.
However,I read on that still existed) that Bono was spotted in 1999 in Geneva airport with the family and he was pushing Ali in a wheelchair(broken foot). So maybe they do know how to ski now.
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This is a little tory abouta running into Bono Ali and Jordan in Gstaad when they were skiing. My German sucks so it would be great if somebody coould translate the article.! :D

Neujahr 1998/1999 - Bono: Familienferien in Gstaad
Bono verbringt den Jahreswechsel 1998/99 mit seiner Frau Ali und seinen zwei T?chtern Eve und Jordan in Gstaad. Der v?llig ?berraschte Fan Christophe wird von seiner Freundin auf dem Skilift beim Eggli gefragt: "Hey, ist das nicht Bono?". Beim n?heren hinfahren ist es tats?chlich so: Bono und Ali nehmen gerade Skiunterricht (leider sind keine Fotos vorhanden...) beim gleichen Skilehrer wie Edge im Vorjahr. Christophe und seine Freundin, die den Skilehrer kennen, gehen hin und plaudern ein bisschen mit Bono. Er ist sehr gut drauf. Aber leider hat niemand einen Stift f?r Autogramme. Bono schl?gt vor, am Abend ein Autogramm zu schreiben und es via Skilehrer an Chritophe zu ?bergeben. Zwei Tage sp?ter bekommt Christophe tats?chlich ein von Bono unterschriebenes und bemaltes A4 Blatt.
Am Abend wird der Jahreswechsel im Hotel gefeiert. Ausser den Hewsons ist auch der DJ Howie B, einer der Produzenten des "Pop" Albums, anwesend. An diesem Abend spielt eine scheinbar ziemlich schlechte deutschschweizer Band, also springt Bono unterst?tzend ein. Sp?ter, wahrscheinlich nach einigen Drinks, endet Bono singend und auf den Tischen stehend!

Anfang Januar wird Bono mit Familie im Flughafen Gen?ve Cointrin gesichtet. Sie werden durch den Staff-Bereich

I found the French version of the article.

Nouvel an 98/99 - Bono et sa famille ? Gstaad
Bono avec sa femmeAli et ses deux filles Eve et Jourdain, passent la fin de l'ann?e ? GSttaad en cette fin d'ann?e 1998. Christophe, fan de U2 devant l'?ternel, skie ce jour l? sur les pistes de la station mondialement connue. Puis, c'est la surprise. Etonn? de reconna?tre son idole, il demande ? son amie si la personne qu'il voit skier et bien celle qu'il croit " Hey, c'est pas Bono lui l? ?". En se reprochant tous deux, la confirmation saute aux yeux : c'est bien Bono, avec Ali en train de prendre des le?ons de ski, et comble de chance, avec l'un de leur ami. Il faut savoir que cet ami lui avait confi? que The Edge avait auparavant pris des le?ons avec le m?me professeur. Apr?s un petit ?change de paroles polies, Christophe se dit d??u de ne pas avoir de papier ni de quoi ?crire pour demander un autographe ? Bono. Ce dernier propose sans d?tour de lui en faire parvenir un par l'interm?diaire des enseignants de ski.. Deux jours plus tard, Christophe obtient en effet son autographe, sur une belle page A4.
A la St Sylvestre, le couple passe la soir?e dans l'h?tel le plus luxueux de la r?gion, accompagn? du producteur de Pop, le DJ Howie B. Ce soir l?, un muavais groupe suisse allemand fait l'aniamtion musicale. Au grand desespoir de Bono. Apr?s plusieurs verres, on retrouve Bono, sur une table, chantant on ne sait plus trop bien. Bref, parat-il qu'il est compl?tement d?cal? ? la situation.

On retrouve quelques jours plus tard la petite famille ? l'a?roport de Cointrin. Ali est en chaise roulante.
greety said:

However,I read on that still existed) that Bono was spotted in 1999 in Geneva airport with the family and he was pushing Ali in a wheelchair(broken foot). So maybe they do know how to ski now.

Bono spotted in Geneva, Switzerland

On Monday (4th January) at about 11 a.m., Bono walked through the staff area of the airport in Geneva, Switzerland. He was pushing Ali, whose leg was injured, in a wheelchair. Jordan and Eve, who were wearing big colorful fleece hats, were following them. Bono was wearing his orange Popmart shades. He did not have hair gel in his hair like in the "Sweetest Thing" video and at the Late Late show. They were just the four of them with no bodyguards or any other people.

Straight from U2 News
I'll translate in short if you don't mind.
Bono, wife and girls spend newyear 1998/99 in Gstaad. Christpohe,who is a longtime u2fan was skiing there when his girlfriend asked"isn't that Bono there?".They got a little closer and saw that it was indeed Bono and Ali getting their first lessons from the same teacher that thaught Edge in spring. .
Christophe knows this teacher so they end up talking with Bono. Unfortunatly C doesn't have a pen or paper on him to get an autograph. But Bono said he would write something down and pass it on by this teacher. So it happened a few days later, he got this drawing.
On newyear's eve, they were celebrating with Howie B in this posh hotel, where a crap(very bad) german band where entertaining. So Bono jumped in a few times and later on (after more drinks) Bono ended up on the table,singing.
Early jan. they were spotted at the airport? Ali in wheelchair.:(

That's the best i can do with my french and german.
Niamh_Saoirse said:
This is a little tory abouta running into Bono Ali and Jordan in Gstaad when they were skiing. My German sucks so it would be great if somebody coould translate the article.! :D

Oh, this is almost as good as pics!!! :hyper: Thank you so much, Niamh!!! :applaud: :bow: :hug:

I'll try and translate the article, but my german is not as good as it once was... :lol: Maybe FS can help me out, if she reads this thread?! :help:
greety said:
That's the best i can do with my french and german.

Thanks greety - I would have written exactly the same!!! :lol:
greety said:
I'll translate in short if you don't mind.
Bono, wife and girls spend newyear 1998/99 in Gstaad. Christpohe,who is a longtime u2fan was skiing there when his girlfriend asked"isn't that Bono there?".They got a little closer and saw that it was indeed Bono and Ali getting their first lessons from the same teacher that thaught Edge in spring. .
Christophe knows this teacher so they end up talking with Bono. Unfortunatly C doesn't have a pen or paper on him to get an autograph. But Bono said he would write something down and pass it on by this teacher. So it happened a few days later, he got this drawing.
On newyear's eve, they were celebrating with Howie B in this posh hotel, where a crap(very bad) german band where entertaining. So Bono jumped in a few times and later on (after more drinks) Bono ended up on the table,singing.
Early jan. they were spotted at the airport? Ali in wheelchair.:(

That's the best i can do with my french and german.

well i could translate from french to English, but u did it so well :applaud: no need to say anything more :hug:

nobody has pics??? :hyper:
Would love to have seen Bono singing with that very bad band. Sounds like a fun time was had by all, except possibly poor Ali (although do I dare point out that about nine months later, Eli was born?)
:up: to translators!

Speaking of speaking German, where is FS? She didn't even show up for leather day :(

I'm sorry Merc but I don't believe they exist. I've been searching the net for Bono pics since 2001, I have over 4000 on my hard drive, and I have never seen anything like that here or anywhere:(
biff said:
Would love to have seen Bono singing with that very bad band. Sounds like a fun time was had by all, except possibly poor Ali (although do I dare point out that about nine months later, Eli was born?)

i was thinking exactly the same thing!!!
Are we plebans thinking all alike??:hug:

Another thing: the clothing line Ali will start has the name EDUN,right? It sounds like Eden, yes??
And if you read it backwards???
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Thank you all for the praise for the translation. I took some of both(slight differences).
It is easier to read and understand than to speak. My french speaking is not so good. (should take lessons with missu2 huh?)
And my german is even worse but we get on by, glad to help out!!
Good one greety! :lmao: And to think those of us with English for a native language did not pick up on that as fast as you! :applaud:
Would you believe me if I told you that this edun-nude thing came to me in my dream!!
Not kidding you.I even dream in english quite often. But this one I had to think about after i woke up in the middle of the night and it was correct too. Unbelievable
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