Illuminate - Hawaii (part one)

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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Dec 18, 2005
in a humid place
This bit is a little longer. I had to post some of it as it was getting pretty long. Over the weekend, I hope to work on the last bit.

As you know, this is fiction. I hope you enjoy .

Abby chewed on her lower lip. Larry should have been here by now. Maybe someone found out. Maybe Bono or Edge insisted that he do something with them and he couldn’t get away. She paced in a circle outside the back entrance of the resort hotel the band had taken over for the Hawaiian show. Hotel workers eyed her as they walked past. At what point does she give up, she wondered. As her mind spun, the distance rumble of a motorcycle grew louder. She knew he’d get away. Larry roared up beside her with a smile.


“You bet I am,” she smiled.

“What’s in the backpack?” He asked.

“Towels, wine and something to snack on. Do you know where we’re going?”

He reached around the back and presented her with a helmet. “Hop on.”

She glanced around her before planting a kiss on his lips. Putting her helmet on, she smiled, “How did I look?”

“Gorgeous,” he offered his hand to help her on.

Larry sped off in the direction of a private beach. Abby relished wrapping her arms around him and holding him close. She could smell his suntan lotion even through her helmet. She loved the rumble of the bike under her. It reminded her of 2001 when she and Larry rode to Las Vegas with his bodyguard.

The sunlight filtered through the trees above as they zoomed down winding roads. Within 45 minutes, Larry turned the bike down a dirt path. A few feet down the path, luminous white sand stretched out before them. He parked the bike on a patch of grass.

“It’s beautiful,” Abby breathed. “Who told you about this?”

“A bartender. When I was here earlier,” he omitted the fact it was the Ann and the kids, “I got to chatting with this bartender at the hotel. I asked him where I could find a nice secluded beach.”

Abby looked around. They were the only two people on this little slice of paradise.

Abby stretched out on her towel. “Where do they think you are?”

“I didn’t lie. I said I was going riding,” he laid beside her. “Where are you?”

“I think I’m shopping and touring the island,” she mused.

They had the whole afternoon together – alone. After a small nap soaking in the sun, they went for a swim the aquamarine waters. They kissed, laughed and splashed out in the open. No one except for the fish and the birds in the trees knew they were there. They sipped wine from clear plastic cups. They kissed some more. The kisses led to more splashing in the water. He pulled her close as they bobbed in the warm water. That grin was unmistakable. He touched her under her bathing suit. She closed her eyes and wrapped herself around him. His lips teased her neck as waves of pleasure washed over her like the waves around them.

They stretched out on the beach. Abby’s eyes fluttered and closed. Within minutes, she breathed heavily and evenly. He watched her. Larry touched her cheek. She smiled in her sleep. He had only felt this way about one other woman. Tightness clutched his chest. It wasn’t guilt. He was happier than he had been in years. There was life coursing through him. It didn’t mean that he didn’t love his family, but he loved this too. He curled up against her and listened to the rhythm of her breathing and the waves.

Larry woke up with Abby burying his legs in sand.

“What are you doing?” he watched her with one open eye.

She giggled and ran to the water. He groaned. Pulling himself out of his sand trap, he took off down the beach after her. The shadows on the beach grew long as the day slipped away. They made love on the beach as the water rushed over them.

Larry pulled his shorts on. “I have an amazing idea for after the show.”

She took in his perfect form as she shook out the towel. “What’s that?”

“I say that we duck out of the after-party early,” he slipped his shirt on.

“What?” She teased. “That’s the best party of the tour.”

“Work with me,” he said. “We slip out early and slip into that hot tub in your room.” He playfully bit her neck. “The spa, some wine…..and some…” His voice was hot in her ear.

She smiled. “I like that. I liked it last night.” A thought occurred to her. “My room upgrade had nothing to do with overbooking, did it?”

He shrugged. “Okay, I’ll admit. I wanted a hot tub and I knew I’d be spending more time in your room.”

She hugged him tightly. Tomorrow was the last night of the tour. They had managed to avoid the subject of what happens next. It was Christmas and everyone would be going home to their families. Abby had a cold empty bed waiting for her New York. A life without Larry waited for her.

He kissed her deeply. She shuddered against him. The warm breeze cooled as the sum slipped behind the hills.

“We should go. We have dinner plans,” she sighed.

He groaned. “Can’t we cancel?”

She chuckled. “Yeah, that wouldn’t look weird.”

“I know, I know,” he snatched the bag off the sand. He cast another look at their private beach. “I wish we could stay here all night. All week.”

She wound her arms around his waist. “I do too. It was a good day. Thank you.”

He kissed her forehead. “Okay, let’s go before I go AWOL.”

Larry dropped Abby off at the back entrance. He pulled his helmet off and kissed her hard – as if it would be the last time he would touch her lips. Watching her slip inside the hotel, his heart sank. The tour was ending. Somehow, he had managed to push his family to the back of his mind. After Thanksgiving, he had decided to live in the moment with Abby. That moment was coming to an end.

Larry pulled his helmet on. He wasn’t ready to go inside to face the band.

Abby sat at the outdoor bar with Adam sipping some frozen heaven in a glass. They were the first to meet for the luau. Adam ordered a virgin version of Abby’s drink. Large table stretched out in front of them. Down on the beach, the cook rotated a pig on a spit.

“Larry will love that,” Adam mused.

“We’ll tell him it’s made of tofu,” she said.

“It looks like you got some sun today,” Adam said.

“I found a great beach to basically fall asleep on. I’m surprised I didn’t burn,” she was glad for her new tan to hide the deep blush on her cheeks. She had rushed down to dinner to see Larry. It was only a few hours, but it felt like forever. She had chosen a light blue sundress with sandals. As she slipped it on, she pictured Larry sliding it off later.

Bono and family joined them. The older girls walked down to look at the pig. The wind carried their disgust back towards the bar. Ali settled on a barstool beside Abby. Her hair was pulled from her beautiful face with a flower. The red dress was a perfect choice against her exotic skin.

Bono lingered between Ali and Abby as he ordered a glass of wine. “Ah….this is heaven. A warm breeze and two beautiful women….”

Abby peered into Bono’s face. “Did you get sunburn?”

He scowled. “No.”

Ali nodded. “Yes he did. I told him to reapply on the boat, but he wouldn’t listen to me.”

“I hope you have aloe,” Adam said.

“Mum, do I have to eat the pig?” Eve asked. “It looks gross.”

Ali smoothed back her daughter’s dark hair. “I’m sure they’ll have something else.”

“Hey Eve, that lifeguard is here,” Jordan tugged the sleeve of her sweatshirt.

The two girls rushed off to find the blonde surfer. Bono watched protectively.
Edge and Moreleigh were the next to join the party followed by Paul. The noise level at the outside bar grew as Bono started on his second glass of wine. Members of the road crew trickled down to join the Luau as trays of fruits and cheese were passed by women in bright sundresses.

Abby sat at the center of the party. Her sides hurt from laughter. Listening to Ali and Bono playfully bicker reminded her how much she loved this family. Time passed quickly as the sun slipped into the ocean painting the sky vibrant oranges and pinks. The torches on the beach were lit casting a warm glow on everyone. Abby didn’t realize how much time had passed since she first joined Adam at the bar. She wondered if Larry had fallen asleep. It would be hard to sneak away to wake him up. Hopefully, someone else would realize that the drummer was absent from the celebration.

A little blonde boy darted over to Edge. Abby’s heart stopped. Her eyes followed the boy’s path. It led her to Larry. He looked almost ill. Just over Larry’s shoulder, Ann held the hand of a little girl. This wasn’t happening. Did he know?

Larry’s stomach burned as he saw the pained look in her eyes as Abby saw Ezra and then Ann. He wanted to cancel on the party if just to spare Abby. Ann thought he was being silly and anti-social. In reality, Larry wasn’t surprised that his family turned up in Hawaii. Normally they joined him on tour towards the end. But he usually made the arrangements. This time, he was too preoccupied with Abby to even think about arrangements or the possibility that they had been made without him. His heart soared as he hugged his children. As his eyes met Ann’s, his mind whirled like an amusement park ride. Now, as he gazed at the pain in Abby’s eyes, he felt numb. He wanted to hold her and tell her it would be okay – even if he wasn’t convinced.

Abby’s heart raced. Ann’s arrival would be just the thing that Abby would arrange. She knows, Abby thought. That’s why she didn’t go through me. Guilt and paranoia had Abby ordering another drink. With a sip, she recovered and hugged Ann.

“Who arranged this for you?” Abby asked as if was Ann’s keeper.

“I did. I wanted it to be a surprise,” Ann said. “Not that I didn’t trust,” Abby winced, “you to keep a secret, but no one really knew. Ali knew only this morning.”

Abby avoided Larry’s eyes. A pit formed in her stomach. Her feelings switched from guilt to longing. Larry wouldn’t be in her bed later that night. She would have that king sized bed all to herself while he would sleep beside Ann. She would want him to be with her tonight. She hadn’t seen him in 2 months, after all. Abby gagged as the image of Ann and Larry flashed into her mind.

Adam peered into her face closely, “Are you okay?”

She nodded. “The drink is just very strong.”

Adam glanced around the bar. “Do you want to get some air?”

“Yes….it’s getting…..”

“Claustrophobic,” Adam offered.

Abby smiled weakly. She was embarrassed. Everyone must know, she mourned. She thought she recovered well – but maybe not.

“Don’t do anything funny you two,” Bono called after them as they stepped out of the crowd towards the water.

Abby tried to find an excuse for the strange behavior. Her mind was blank. She had known for the last few weeks that it would be over one day. Even today, she knew it would be over soon. She thought there would be a last kiss. A last night.

“Drinking after being in the sun can do awful things to your digestive system,” Adam said as they watched the last of the day sink below the horizon.

She wiped her forehead. “I guess I got more sun than I thought.”

“It happens,” he said quietly. If he knew, he was being very tactful.

“Why isn’t Suzi here?” Abby asked. “Now that everyone’s family is here….”

Adam shrugged. “I’m used to being the only one without family. You all are my family.” He turned to look at her. “God, how long have we known you?”

She thought back. It was before Achtung Baby. “Almost 20 years now.”

“My how time flies,” he said dreamily. “Anyway, Suzi was busy with her own thing this week. I’ll see her in a few days.”

“Not staying on for a few days after?” she asked as she slipped off her sandals.

“No. Suzi and I have a holiday before Christmas that we’ve planned. And there is Christmas shopping to consider,” he kicked off his leather slides.

Abby allowed the water rush over her feet. “Christmas. Jesus, that’s right. It’s a weird thing to see decorations up and decorated palm trees.”

“I think I saw a Santa in a Hawaiian shirt,” Adam said.

She ran her fingers through her long hair. “I have so much shopping to do. Like all of it.”

Adam laughed. “So, what becomes of you after this tour?”

Her thoughts raced back to Larry and Ann. Wistfully, she gazed back up at the party. She couldn’t see Larry or Ann. What becomes of me? She asked herself.

She shrugged. “I’m sure I have loads of work waiting for me. I had clients calling and emailing me while I was on tour. I have Grammys, Golden Globes and Oscars looming around the corner.” That’s right, she thought. I have tons to do. Let Larry go back to Ann.

Adam placed his hand on her shoulder. “You know, it’s been amazing having you on this tour.”

“It’s been great being a part of it. Hopefully, I’ll be part of the next one,” she smiled.

“I don’t see why you wouldn’t,”

“You never know. By the time you pop out the next record, I could be a happy housewife with little ones to look after,” she teased.

Adam waved off this concern. “We have nannies for that.” He did look at her closely. “Is there anyone special? You never really talked about your own life.”

She was thankful it was dark. Her cheeks burned. “I’m not supposed to have one.”

“Really?” he asked.

Abby sloshed her legs in the warm water. Jake had emailed and called a few times. In the last few weeks, she had been less attentive to him. Larry had distracted her from a potential relationship.

“We’ll have to see when I get home,” she answered cryptically.

“I think dinner is being served,” Adam looked back at the party.

“We should eat then,” Abby said.

“Do you feel better?” he asked.

“I do. Thanks for walking with me,” she hugged him. Truthfully, she did feel a little better. The world wasn’t ending. Just a very bright part of it.
Oh, Grace! Larry on the beach … in the sea… I think my heart just stopped :drool:

Poor Abby, I do want her to be with Larry, they seem so right together. I could feel her anguish when she saw their last night together was not to be … or is that so? Will Larry sneak away and join Abby in her spa? Can't wait to find out … soon, please :wink:
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