Adam photo requests....

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The Fly
May 1, 2007
I've searched the archives and a lot of these photos seem to be gone. I would love to see....

Pictures of Adam's house in Ireland (does he also have homes in France and NY????).

Adam 'rear' shots!
itz small but all i hav
Huge property though, according to the Until the End of the World book, it sits on 20 acres, his home in Ireland.

Not actually seen his place in France, but it's supposedly close to the ones Bono and Edge have.
Yes, a very nice thread - thanks!

So, does he also have a home in NY? I did read that he had an apt in London, but that was to go back and forth with Susie.
Oh, I was just joking about it being a little house. I think I read somewhere that it has 20 bedrooms??? And it seems another article said that it sat on 44 acres, but I've read varying reports on the acreage.
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