adam fanfic pt7

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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War Child
Dec 2, 2003
It seemed you couldn't pass wind in Dublin without everyone knowing about it Terri realised in annoyance when she went into work a few days later. It seemed she was a bit of a dark horse and had been seen out on the town getting wined and dined by Adam Clayton in a certain little Italian Resturaunt the fact that her boss had let everyone know Adam had contacted her looking for Terri's phone number didn't help and led to much speculation.

Now she suddenly found herself little Miss Popular around the offices, getting inundated with requests from many of the female members of staff if she could get them fixed up to meet Bono and the others personally.

She spent many an hour explaining to them that she was was not 'tight' with U2 and do not know Bono that well, and never had and even now wasn't having a torrid secret affair with Adam Clayton. That this was the first time they had got together in over 20 years and had just had dinner as friends because they use to live in the same street and it had just been a one of thing and she would probably never see him again.

She had more or less convinced herself of this as the weeks passed and she didn't hear again from Adam, she was glad she hadn't held her breath waiting for him to phone or get in contact with her.

Then the large bouquet of flowers arrived on saturday morning on her doorstep, attatched to it was a card she could just make out the scribble "just seen the magazine article you done, great work on the photos, Bono told me to say thanks for that stretched look in the middle pic, cos it makes him look taller and thinner ha ha... hope you like the flowers I picked them personally, hope to see you again sometime soon, luv Adam

Terri couldn't help smiling, she tried hard not to feel overly pleased to hear from Adam, but she went about her living room constantly glancing admiringl at the flowers she had put in the vase and picking up the card to read it again feeling like a silly school girl again which made her chastise herself 'Its only a bunch of flowers and a thank you card not a marriage proposal'

She headed into her developing room to do some work on her lastest photographs she had taken.. she was still in there a few hours later when her cell phone rang she took it out of the back pocket of her jeans to answer it.

Hi Ter.. its me" she recongnised Adam's voice immediatly this time, her heart quickened betrayingly

"Adam.. hi" she replied, glad he couldn't see the goofy smile on her face

"Just phoning to find out if you got the flowers" he then said.

"Oh yes they arrived this morning.. they were beautiful, thank you"

"I am glad you liked them.. which reminds me isn't your photographic exhibition of Dublin sometime soon?"

"Um.. yes" Terri replied a little surprised that he remembered "Next Friday actually"

"Damn! I will be in America" Adam realised in frustration, "I was hoping I could be there for you"

"It's ok I understand" Terri soothed him, "I wasn't really expecting you to show up anyway" she replied honestly.

" Oh well, I will be back in Dublin the following week, so I will catch up with you then" Adam then said

"Great" Terri replied, not quite sure exactly what he meant by catching up with her.. but it sounded promising she realised with a small tingle of anticipation.


She was nervous as hell when Friday came, but was glad that many of her work colleagues from the office including her Boss Jen had come along to support her, and help themselves to the wine and cheese that were set out for the visitors and potential customers.

The two day exhibition had been advertised over the local radio station and newspapers, but as she was only starting up and getting established, the interest was minimal, with those who knew her well coming to support her , even her father turned up, minus her mother, who it seemed had still not forgiven her for leaving Derrick.

Terri had not high expectations of her first exhibition, and hoped that word of mouth from those there tonight might encourage more
to come the following day, but at least those there seemed impressed with her work which made her feel better, the fact that the subject matter was Dublin city held a local interest as well which helped.

Halfway through the evening she started to relax a little after downing two glasses of wine.

"Its not turning out a bad night" she addressed her boss Jen "I have got a few people interested in buying my prints already.. someone suggested I should put up a website exhibiting my work more widely.. I think its a good idea"

"Sounds like a great idea to me" Jen agreed "Actually I can put you in touch with someone who knows how to build websites, I will get you his number when we are back in my office"

"Thanks that would be wonderful" Terri smiled gratefully "And thanks for coming along tonight and supporting me, its helped a lot"

"Well anything I can do to help, I love your work.. or I wouldn't have hired you to work for me" Jen replied patting her on the hand encouragingly, "Now go and get me some more of that lovely wine, before it is all done" she handed Terri her glass

"Of course" Terri laughed, and went in search to get her a fresh glass, and bumping into her other work Colleague Mike who had wandered in earlier.

"Hmmm you never said you were expecting any special guest tonight" he remarked grinning.

"Well you know I always consider you special Mike, you can be my guest of honour any day" she teased.

"Um I wasn't referring to me eejit" Mike nudged her, "I meant him, just coming through the door" he indicated with a nod of his head, making her swing round to see what he was talking about.

Her eyes widened as she recognised the tall blonde haired figure in the smart suit who just sauntered in.."Adam?" she exclaimed in surprise....

ok girls going to have some nice smoochy kissing and cuddling in the next chapter:wink:
annj said:
Her eyes widened as she recognised the tall blonde haired figure in the smart suit who just sauntered in.."Adam?" she exclaimed in surprise....

ok girls going to have some nice smoochy kissing and cuddling in the next chapter:wink:

:applaud: Hooray!! He showed up!! And there is going to be some snogging!
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