Gothenburg Setlist Party

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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and for those who shouldn't be drinking so early

Hello Hello! :wave:


I didn't have a travel budget to see them this time around. I had to stick to shows around the southeast, and there aren't very many of those.
The DVD will even be out before I get to see them. :huh:
Well, you know how November in Atlanta is usually... shorts at Thanksgiving.
Although this could be the year for the big freeze. :hmm:
Hi Diane :wave: and to all those lurking :shifty: I'm in and out today, gotta try & get some work done. Have a hair appt. later, and have to help plan / pick up supplies for a birthday party tomorrow :|
And I see we're also well under way with covering our appearance list:

- making out smilies
- complaining about the standard setlist
- Vertigo 2
- Snoop Dogg
- U2@NYC's U2 SUCK
- R. Kelly's video chapters
- Axver's comfy bed and his pooltable
- food (danish flødeboller, timtams) and drinks
- U2Man and U2Girl1978's torrid romance
- Kelly's wireless laptop from which she can directly post pictures from the concert as it's going on
- every concert city is the Swedish capital
- someone coming in out of the blue to scold/make fun of us for continuing to have these
- pitnol
Here's some updates from

update 14.03 Uhr: "Die-Dallas-Schoo-Band" tritt gerade auf.

update 16.38 Uhr: Inzwischen haben die Tore des Ullevi Stadions geöffnet. Beim Einlass kam es leider wieder zu einem lebensgefährlichem Chaos. U.a. kletterten Fans über Absperrgitter, während die Security tatenlos herumstand!

update 18.29 Uhr: Die erste Vorband "Soundtracks of our Lives" betritt die Bühne.

update 19.21 Uhr: Während des Auftritts der Lokalmatadoren "Soundtracks of our Lives" herrschte gute Stimmung. Jetzt kurze Umbaupause.

update 19.46 Uhr: Razorlight betreten die Bühne.

And here's the google translation:

update 14,03 o'clock: "the Dallas Schoo volume" arises straight.

update 16,38 o'clock: In the meantime the gates of the Ullevi of stadium opened. With the inlet it came unfortunately again to a lethal chaos. Among other things fans over stopper grids climbed, while the Security doless!

update 18,29 o'clock: The first Vorband "sound TRACK OF our Lives" enters the stage.

update 19,21 o'clock: During the appearance of the Lokalmatadoren "sound TRACK OF our good tendency prevailed to Lives". Now short change break.

update 19,46 o'clock: Razorlight enter the stage

U2@NYC said:
Oh, and by the way, I predict ZERO surprises for tonight and an exact repetition of the Oslo setlist.

I am just here for the good company, the drinks and the chicks.


My prediction as well. Although I must admit I don't care about the setlist much, 'cause I'm here for the good company!
Miringeltje said:
And I see we're also well under way with covering our appearance list:

- making out smilies
- complaining about the standard setlist
- Vertigo 2
- Snoop Dogg
- U2@NYC's U2 SUCK
- R. Kelly's video chapters
- Axver's comfy bed and his pooltable
- food (danish flødeboller, timtams) and drinks
- U2Man and U2Girl1978's torrid romance
- Kelly's wireless laptop from which she can directly post pictures from the concert as it's going on
- every concert city is the Swedish capital
- someone coming in out of the blue to scold/make fun of us for continuing to have these
- pitnol

- mekeeng oooot smeelies
- cumpleeening ebuoot zee stunderd setleest
- Ferteegu 2
- Snuup Dugg
- U2@NYC's U2 SOoCK
- R. Kelly's feedeu chepters
- Exfer's cumffy bed und hees puulteble
- fuud (duneesh flødebuller, teemtems) und dreenks
- U2Mun und U2Gurl1978's turreed rumunce
- Kelly's vureless leptup frum vheech she-a cun durectly pust peectoores frum zee cuncert es it's gueeng oon
- ifery cuncert ceety is zee Svedeesh cepeetel
- sumeune-a cumeeng in oooot ooff zee blooe-a tu sculd/meke-a foon ooff us fur cunteenooing tu hefe-a zeese
- peetnul

ramblin rose said:
U2man, are you going to at least go to the stadium on Sunday to see if you can buy a ticket?

That's how I got hold of a ticket in April.
And I'm probably gonna do it like that again in November.
Good luck, U2man!!
I hope you make it in on Sunday!!
Miringeltje said:

That's how I got hold of a ticket in April.
And I'm probably gonna do it like that again in November.
Good luck, U2man!!
I hope you make it in on Sunday!!

Thanks :wink:
kelly - will you have the pitnol pic ready for later. I can't find it anywhere, and it would take too long to search for the grapic with the search feature... :bow:

And thanks for translating U2Man :wink:
Is it Leetah's turn now :giggle:
Lila64 said:
kelly - will you have the pitnol pic ready for later. I can't find it anywhere, and it would take too long to search for the grapic with the search feature... :bow:

And thanks for translating U2Man :wink:
Is it Leetah's turn now :giggle:

Eh, Leetah's turn? :scratch:
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