Anyone see Bono stumble at Seattle 2?

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The Fly
Nov 9, 2002
Near Seattle,Washington
I could have sworn I saw Bono almost trip and fall at the front of the stage at Seattle 2. Anyone else see this or did I imagine it?

Also, what does Bono say during the 2nd Vertigo "Give me what I want and no one gets....." I have listened to it over and over and can't figure it out.
Thanks :)
yes! he did almost fall. during Vertigo he said (cover your daughter's ears) something pretty close to "Just give me what I want and none gets...'Bono, shut the fuck up'....hurt!

it was awesome :D
ruffian said:
yes! he did almost fall. during Vertigo he said (cover your daughter's ears) something pretty close to "Just give me what I want and none gets...'Bono, shut the fuck up'....hurt!

it was awesome :D

My daughter did actually hear Bono curse, she looked at me with a wide open mouth!! It was hilarious :) :)
Ya...I saw that to...If you were facing the front of the stage, it was to the right at the front. It was later in the show, but I'm not positive which song. Wasn't a huge stumble but his foot hit the little step down at the front of the stage just a little funny.
Did you see Larry drop his drumstick, and not missing a beat, lean over and pick another one up from below? I can't remember which song, but I am sure someone will remember! It was honed in on the video screen and he was was in Seattle2
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