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Blue Crack Addict
Jan 14, 2005
At the altar of the dark star
It seems like everytime I've come on this website, a virus has been trying to get through and infect my computer. It's called the NetBus Trojan Horse Virus. I'm concerned about this...
This website does not have any viruses.

It is however likely, since you spend a lot of time here (based on your post count) that you maybe experiencing this while you happen to be at the site.

NetBus virus is not something that resides on a webpage.... it's something that would have already infected your system. You should really try removing it wiht antivirus software.
Is your computer up-to-date? All it really takes to protect from viruses are the usual Windows Updates. An anti-virus software will locate them and perhaps remove them, but does nothing to actually protect the computer.
yes. it's always a good idea to make sure you install any and all security patches that your os (windows xp, windows 98, mac os x, etc.) comes out with. i think this is the most essential key and it's free to do, and is usually defaulted to checking for updates anyway.

i worked for a place that did a lot of money-related things on computers. the whole time i worked there, the xp "your updates are ready to be installed" window was minimized. i asked them if i should install them and they told me no :ohmy:
Thanks for tips :)...I have the current update of Norton Antivirus and I've firewalled my computer. I have also been getting updates and pretty much everything under the sun to block anything from infecting my computer. :)
I work as a computer technician and we've noticed that WinXP Service Pack 2 seems to be blocking the two newest virus outbreaks. If you have Windows XP, install SP2. It might take a while, but it's worth it.
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