Premium Feature: Lower Flood Limit *Beta*

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
May 22, 2000
Orange County, CA
As everyone here knows...
We have a requirement of waiting 45 seconds before making a new post/thread/reply.

This rule is mostly in place to keep people from trolling.

However, for Premium Members I have just reduced it to 15 seconds!

My thinking on this is pretty simple... those who are Premium Members are paying to be Premium Members and are less likely to abuse the forum.

As with the other new features... we'll see how this goes.
Now I know what that jeremy was on about! :ohmy:

Thanks, Elvis! :bow:

All these great features all of a sudden! :drool: :wink:
:crack: I don't have a paypal account. That's the whole problem. My parents don't want their credit cards spread around on the net.

wonder if the LilOne will be bugging me more now for the premium privilege
Another cool feature -- unfortunately I rarely type fast enough for the 45 second rule to bother me. I don't know whether to :hyper: or :sad:
this is brilliant---probably the best new feature you've added. :yes: it's a gift to premium members & a great reason to sign up as one---good thinking!
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