New Thread Limit?

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i think there should be a required minimum. it would keep things fresh.
Re: Re: Re: New Thread Limit?

snowbunny00774 said:

No shit....if they made that per forum section (EYKIW anyone?) these two would be screwed.

by you? :flirt:
C'mon people! I don't start nearly as many threads per day like I used to! U2Man took over my habit. And now other people are causing havoc wherever they go. :sexywink:
U2Man said:

wtf happened to flowers and chocolates? :sad: FTLOG what's a girl got to do to get some flowers and chocolates...jebus.

Zootlesque said:
C'mon people! I don't start nearly as many threads per day like I used to! U2Man took over my habit. And now other people are causing havoc wherever they go. :sexywink:

Imagine that...he took over your habit :hmm: <---- yes :hmm:
Zootlesque said:
That is good but it only stops those who join the forum to spam and nothing else. What about posters in general who start too many threads? Eh.. it's just a suggestion.

I agree with you.

I'll discuss it with Elvis and we'll report back to this thread.

I'm closing it for now though because as usual certain people always have to come in turn serious threads into fun and games.
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