Downtime on June 14 2007

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
May 22, 2000
Orange County, CA
We've moved to a new server and as a result the forum was down for approx 2-2.5 hours today.

Everything *should* be working fine now.

At this point in time there will be no security/flood related policies changed, although I will keep it in mind.
Does this server have flair?


I'm not sure if this has something to do with my net or with the server....
But recently, at least once or twice on a pretty much daily basis, I will randomly not be able to access the site for a few minutes (not a big deal I know, but annoying just the same) and I get a pop up saying that the "domain name cannot be found, etc"
Is anyone else having this happen?
It actually happens at approx 3-4 minutes after each hour, and it IS by design... however I'm going to set it to happen less frequently.
I've just changed the process so it shouldnt even be noticeable anymore. Please let me know if it is.
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