Mississippi or the South East?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Achtung Ya'll

War Child
Jun 12, 2000
North Carolina
Hey I live in the Mississippi Delta and go to school at Miss. State U. and was wondering if there are any fans near me?

"Every artist is a cannibal
every poet is a thief
all kill their inspiration
just to sing about the grief"

Actually, there are quite a few Southerners around here... but I'll let them come out and identify themselves.

As for me, I'm a senior at Auburn University, originally from Birmingham.

BTW, cool name.

- Achtung Bubba

Im from ms, but i live in ocean springs. Im starting to think im the only one here that lives on the coast. :sigh:
:hmm: I'm far enough north from you guys that I might be considered a Yankee by comparison. :ohmy: I'm in southeastern NC (Wilmington, to be precise). :giggle: :wave:
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