Joshua Tree to play entire JT album at Blue Cafe' (HB) 12/18/10

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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
May 14, 2007
* The Edge's Guitar Storage Room *
Joshua Tree to play entire Joshua Tree album (and more) at the Blue Cafe' in Huntington Beach, this coming Saturday - December 18th.

Saturday, December 18 · 8:00pm - 11:30pm

The Blue Cafe, Huntington Beach, CA
17208 Pacific Coast Highway
Huntington Beach, CA

U2JT will be playing 2 set....1. the entire Joshua Tree album 2. a set of hits and requests including Christmas Baby Please Come Home!

Its going to be a great night. See you there!

"Red Hill Mining Town", "Exit" and "Mothers of the Disappeared" are all stunning live songs.

As for "Red Hill Mining Town", no canaries will be harmed in the presentation of this song. :lol:

I expect that we will see the Lovely Miss Dev and our fellow Crackers (Nic, Kat, Diana... and hopefully Lila too) up front at the show?

...I still have U2's version of "Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)" in my head. You will too after the show on Saturday.
a certain someone was trying to convince me to go out for that this weekend :shifty: But I told the certain someone that he should just join us for dinner on Tuesday.

Speaking of which, I need to confirm time/place with y'all... msgs to come.

Anyone who goes to this, have a great time!
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