Acrobat - Chapter 5

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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Dec 18, 2005
in a humid place
ZOMG people. Yes, I have another chapter for you. Now that things are warming up, it's a little easier to get things a-rolling. This is clearly fiction, and if you want to help me 50 Shades of Grey this, I will not object. I hope you enjoy and yes, I'm already working on the next few chapters......

Shout out to my editor! Many thanks for your help!

Bono was aware that Gloria was no longer beside him. Out of the corner of his eye, he had seen a stagehand pull her aside. Whatever they spoke about, it was serious. Gloria nodded a lot and never broke eye contact. Meanwhile, he had just missed the last few things this balding diplomat said. He turned his attention to Gloria as she rejoined him.

"I'll be back in a few minutes. I may need you," she said.

He nodded. "Everything all right?"

Without a smile, she nodded. "Yeah...."

After an amazing show talking foreign politics was not much fun. Most people were under the false impression that Bono thrived on heated political debate. This tour was supposed to show the world that U2 were a rock band - one that celebrated the excesses of their success. Tonight, he was trapped. If Gloria was still next to him, he'd be scratching his ear to signal 'get me away from this person'.

It seemed a lifetime before she returned.

"Excuse me," she smiled sweetly. "Can you come with me? There's someone you need to meet."

"Of course. Great meeting you," Bono offered his hand to the man. He never let on that he'd been bored silly for the last half hour.

Gloria led him out of the hospitality tent.

"Where were you? I was dying. I was close to faking my death," he said.

She rolled her eyes. It was another one of his over exaggerated fits. "There was an incident."

He stopped. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes, it's fine. There was a fan who purchased a handicapped ticket because she was in a motorized wheelchair and her tickets were not honored. Whatever the screw up was, she missed some of the show and had to sit behind the stage for the remainder."

"Is she still here?" He asked.

"Yes, I was hoping you'd give her a few moments before we go to the bar," she said.

"Of course," he said. "And see she gets tickets to tomorrow."

"That's been taken care of along with transportation. I was hoping you'd let her see sound check as well," she placed her hand on his arm. "Before you meet her, you should know that she has Spina bifida and her prognosis is not good. But she's been a fan since Boy."

He swallowed hard seeing the sadness in her eyes. "Whatever they need."

She smiled. "Thank you. I didn't want to promise what I couldn't deliver."

"Of course. Where is she?" He asked softly.

"This way. I put her and her family in the opening act dressing room," she pushed aside a curtain.

In a wheelchair sat a frail young woman in a faded Boy t-shirt. Her appearance wasn't shocking. By the awe on her face, he knew Gloria had not told her that she would be meeting him. The most shocking thing was when Gloria crouched beside her and spoke to her in her native tongue, German, fluently. The woman nodded and stretched a thin hand to Gloria.

"This is Ute," Gloria moved aside for Bono to get closer.

He took the small hand between his and kissed it softly. "Ute, my pleasure."

Ute turned deep purple. "Very nice to meet you, Mr. Bono."

"Please, just Bono," he said. "I heard you had quite an ordeal tonight. I hope we can help you."

He spent at least fifteen minutes with Ute and her family. They talked about the concert, the new album and her favorite songs. Ute's mom spoke a little about her condition and how she overcame the odds. Gloria's radio hissed as Andrew was searching for them desperately. She stepped aside to let him know they would be a few minutes more, they were with a fan.

"Do you need security? " Andrew asked.

"No," Gloria answered watching Bono take photos with Ute and her family. "We're almost done."

Bono felt incredibly lucky as they walked to the waiting cars. He couldn't imagine how hard that must be on the family.

"Thank you," Gloria said.

"No, thank you for handling that. That was amazing. And when did you learn to speak German?"
He looked over at her.

"I took languages in school. I took the ones I thought I might need if I traveled. It wasn't perfect German, but I got my point across," there was one car left. "It would appear they have left without you."

"Well...they know better than to wait for me," he said. "You are coming?"

"If you want me to, yes," her voice was all business.

"Of course I want you to come," he gestured for her to get in first.

Gloria was trying so hard to remain professional with him. He certainly didn't make it easy as his stare bore down into her. Since the night of the skinny dipping, they had both been guarded and reserved. As the car wound through the streets of Dortmund, he chatted casually about the show. Some nights are on fire and some need to be fired. Tonight was the latter. He was anxious to have a drink and let the night roll away. The day started challenging enough with an argument with Ali. Sitting beside Gloria was the highlight of the day so far.

The band had commandeered a plush bar in the nightlife district of Dortmund. Jerry was waiting at the side door for them to arrive. The party was well underway by the time Bono and Gloria arrived. They joined a table with Adam and Edge. Bono knew that Edge was sizing them up, trying to figure out what had made them late. He instantly told them the story of Ute and how little Gloria knew German.

After a few more drinks, the discussion turned to the show and the general state of music. The latest craze to overtake America was grunge - music played with fuzz boxes and angry lyrics. It was everything Zoo Tv was not. Nirvana had become the new poster boys and leaders of a somehow disenchanted generation. Edge could see the validity in some of the effects. Adam felt it made the music sound muddy. Bono appreciated the anger and earnest lyrics. They all turned to Gloria to get her thoughts as she was their generation.

After another hour and another few rounds, the music question had not been solved but exhausted. Bono was back on talking about art and how it all related. Tired, Gloria leaned on her palm and just listened to him ramble. She loved the way he talked. As the night wore on, his voice grew raspy like a whisper. Though she was on the fringe of the conversation - she didn't know enough about art to engage - he still looked directly into her.

Like most nights, the pub was infiltrated by fans and the regulars. Tonight, it seemed more than usual. The female fans were particularly frisky and forceful. Bono watched as Gloria was shoved aside roughly.

"Hey," she growled.

Something was uttered in German by an Amazon woman wearing too much eyeliner.

Bono reached to Gloria and pulled her close to him. "She's with us."

As the night turned a little hostile, it was decided to leave for a new place to end the night. The owner had lost control of his security as the club filled past capacity.

"Get him out the back door. A car is there," Jerry said to Gloria.

Dutifully, she nodded and grabbed Bono's arm. "We're breaking out."

His eyes lit up. "Wonderful."

Together they pushed past an increasingly rowdy crowd. She saw Edge slip out the front door with Adam. Gloria guessed that a few cars were called for the band - some in front and some out back. They wandered through the kitchen to find a side door. There was no car on the other side, just a few men taking a piss against the wall.

"Come on," Gloria pulled him along before the Mayor of Talk-town started to chat them up. She knew the car wouldn't be long, or perhaps they went out the wrong door. Before they were recognized, they ducked into another side alley. Despite all the drinks, she was doing a very good job navigating them as Bono was certainly the more polluted among them.

"I'm not sure where this car Jerry mentioned is," she sighed.

"I say we find a new place on our own," he placed his hand on the wall behind her.

"Jerry would have my head," she looked up at him.

He inched closer. "Glory.....Glory....Glory....where is your sense of danger?"

Danger was inches from her in a smelly alley similar to the one where they shared an amazing kiss.

"It's Gloria," she tried to keep her wits about her. In a distant streetlight, she caught the gleam of his necklace.

"Gloria,'re glorious! May I call you Glory? My morning Glory," hunger flashed in his eyes. "Or night Glory."

"You can call me anything you like," her voice just above a whisper.

My Glory, he had said. All you have to do is ask and I'm yours, she thought. His whiskey breath tickled her cheeks as he inched closer. He couldn't stop staring at her inviting lips. He was certain they had gained experience in the last few years and would most likely rock his world. Just a taste, he thought.

“Bono, where the fuck are you?” he heard Dennis’ voice bellow.

“Shit, come on,” he grabbed her hand. “Let’s go. The buzz-kill is moving in.”

“What?” the next thing she knew she was running down an alleyway hand in hand with Bono - his boots clacking on the wet pavement.

He looked over his shoulder to see no one there, but he didn’t stop running with his maniacal laughter echoing in the air. They turned a corner.

“We'll pop into the first bar we see. They’ll never find us, Glory.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders for her warmth and support.

Gloria hoped they never would.Cautiously, she snaked her arm around his slender waist. He gave her a little squeeze.

Be cool, she said to herself as her heart threatened to burst out of her chest like a horror film.

Be cool, he thought as he fought the urge to press her into the brick wall and kiss her so hard he wouldn’t know where he ended and she started.

“What are you guys doing?” they stopped dead as they heard Larry shout from across the street. He was alone as well. "Where is everyone?"

“Sullen Mullen,” Bono muttered under his breath. "We couldn't find the getaway car so we went looking for a drink.”

“Me too,” Larry crossed the street to them. He eyed them wrapped around one another. He looked up at the bar before them. “Shall we?”

Bono wrapped his free arm around Larry. “Brilliant. Three musketeers!”

Gloria tried to hide her glare as they walked into the dark dive bar. She hated Larry at the moment. If it had been just the two of them, she imagined they’d be tucked into a tiny booth. His arm would be draped around her as they talked. Slowly, their faces and bodies would get closer. Knees would touch -then hands. Maybe he’d kiss her again.

Not now - Larry was Captain Buzz Kill. Like the gentleman he was, Bono pulled out a torn vinyl chair for Gloria. Larry glowered as he sat across from them. Bono was playing a very dangerous game with this girl’s heart. It was crystal clear she was in love with him. Even if he was just leading her on it was bad. If he meant half of his looks and smiles, it was worse.

“I’ll be right back,” she excused herself to the bathroom.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Larry spat at him.

Bono smiled lazily. “What? I guess I’ll be going to the bar for a drink. What do you want?”

“Don’t be cute. You know what I mean. You’re married and she’s a kid,” Larry hissed.

“First, she’s not a kid. I’m having fun, Lars,” he leaned forward and squeezed Larry’s cheeks. “You can say it, fun...FUN.”

Larry slapped his hand away. “Be careful, Hewson. That’s all I’m saying.”

Bono was getting annoyed. So far, he hadn’t crossed any line. Sure, he thought about it - a lot. But he’d been a model citizen thus far.

“Look, you need to get this straight. There’s nothing funny going on. I know she’s Andrew’s sister. I know what I’m doing.”

He hoped he said it with enough conviction to convince Larry and himself.

Larry gave him an exaggerated shrug. “I guess I have to trust you, eh?”

Bono’s smile returned as Gloria walked back to the table. “Yes, you do.” His eyes switched to her. “Ah, there she is. Now, let’s find a bartender.”

"Have you gotten us drinks yet?" Gloria asked as she sat between them.

"Larry was just about to," Bono winked at him.

"I have no money," Larry crossed his arm defiantly in front of his chest.

Bono found some Marks in his pocket. He tossed them at Larry. "Here, now you do."

Standing, Larry scowled as he marched up to the bar.

"I don't suppose there is any way to lose him," she said.

His arm rested along the back of her chair. "I like the way you think." Just beyond Gloria, he caught Larry's cold glare and knew he watching Bono's every move. "Probably not though."

She sighed heavily. Tonight would not be the night with Larry attached to them. To make him feel unwelcome would be an admission of guilt. Gloria hated his surgical gaze upon her - dissecting every glance and comment. She dropped a veil over her feelings and eyes. Bono had to be a work associate, someone she didn't picture naked on a nightly basis. While the men heartily slammed back drinks in hopes to outlast the other, she sipped her pint and switched to water. Someone had to get them back to hotel.

Drunk Larry was far more amiable than everyday Larry. He laughed and joked once he imbibed his guard. Gloria knew that tomorrow he would back to normal, scowling in her direction. She was aware that he didn't like or understand her place on the tour. She might as well enjoy the peace for now.

Bono’s eyes were heavy lidded as drink after drink disappeared down his throat. Internally, he called 'uncle' on the night. Larry was not going anywhere which meant neither was Bono. Perhaps tomorrow morning he would thank Larry for being the angel on his shoulder. The marriage vows would be unbroken. He hadn't laid a hand on Gloria. Yet he felt that time bomb ticking between them. His desire to diffuse it had waned. If she could lose herself in the moment, there would be real trouble.

After ordering a car, Gloria called Jerry to report that Number One and Three were heading back to the hotel within the hour. She ushered both men to their feet to pour them into the awaiting car. While Larry leaned against the window with his eyes closed, Bono leaned against Gloria, his weight nearly crushing her. She wished that Larry was not in the car and that Bono was not as drunk as he was. Her heart stopped as she felt soft lips graze her neck as he shifted into her. Then there was a soft snore. He hadn’t meant to do that, he was asleep. It still set her body on fire. If she could get rid of Larry, she would still take Bono to her bed - soused or not. No, that’s not how you want it to happen, she cursed herself.

“Right boys, we’re home,” she announced loudly as the car pulled into the underground entrance.

With a snort, Larry sat up and rubbed his eyes. “Feck,what time is it?”

“Four in the morning,” she looked at her watch. She felt Bono smile into her neck.

“Are you awake Mr. Hewson?” she asked.

He nodded. “I’m comfortable. Can I sleep here?”

“I’m sure our driver minds. In fact, I do too. I have a nice bed as do you,” she said as coolly as she could manage.

Larry tumbled out of the car and scratched his head.

“I’ll bet your bed is nice,” Bono pulled away to attempt to gaze into her face. His mind started to form the next words, but he cleared his throat. “I should let you away to it.”

Come with me, she begged silently. Let’s ditch Larry and run away together.

“Do you need help getting out of the car?” she asked.

“Please, my Glory,” he goofily offered his hands to her.

“He’s a bit of baby when he’s drunk, eh?” she looked to Larry.

“He’s always a bit of a baby,” Larry grumbled. “Hurry up, B. I’m knackered.”

Bono steadied himself against Gloria, almost enveloping her completely. “Go ahead. You don’t need me to show you to your room.”

“We’ll all go up. Sure Jerry is pissed to hell,” Larry pressed the button to the elevator.

“What floor Gloria?” Larry asked.

“I’m on the fourth,” she said. There would be no good night kiss from Bono thanks to Larry.

Bono also knew that the only way he could be rid of Larry was an act of God. He pressed himself into her retaining as much of her body that he could. Her heart sunk as the four lit up.

“Good night gentlemen,” she yawned.

“I’ll walk you to your room,” Bono offered. “to make sure you don’t get attacked.”

Larry rolled his eyes. “I’m sure she’ll be fine to walk a few yards, but if you insist.” He also stepped from the elevator.

“Thank you, Larry,” Gloria tried to sound grateful.

Bono staggered down the hall with Gloria supporting most of his weight.

“Maybe someone should escort you,” she laughed.

“Are you volunteering?” he asked with a smile.

Gloria couldn’t answer. Either way would sound false or would give her away. Luckily, her room was only a few doors from the elevators.

“This is me. Can you make sure he gets to his room?” she asked Larry.

He rolled his eyes. “I guess so. I’m not tucking him in.”

“Yer so frigid, Lar....” Bono teased him before turning to Gloria. “Sleep tight there.” He leaned in to give her a sloppy kiss on her cheek. “Glory,” he whispered.

“Night Gloria,” Larry dragged Bono away by his arm.

“I’m coming,” Bono groaned. He turned to give her a wink before she slipped into her room.

Larry was too tired to lecture. It was true, he hadn’t seen Bono do anything that he had not done before. It was just flirting which he did all the time. It was clear that Gloria was smitten though. Larry felt that Bono was taking advantage of her affections to boost his already inflated ego.

Behind the hotel door, Gloria’s heart raced. Larry had been the only thing that stopped them tonight - she was certain of it
I'll call it the Sea World Tour instead of Zoo TV. Eh, Seconds might be easier to raise to FF cash cow status.
Bono could easily become ... uh ..... Hm.

Okay, Edge could easily become ..... ummmmmmm .... Corner.

Okay, maybe it's not so easy.
Drunk Bono=Good Bono. (Not morally good, though! Hehe.)

Nice chapter. I should start following the tour dates- I always forget about the first European leg...
I use U2Gigs like a bible when I write about a tour. I know I have taken some liberties for the sake of the story - I take one in the next chapter. But I try to remain historical.
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