The Best Thing - Chart Performance

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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War Child
Mar 7, 2004
Opened in anticipation that we might have something to share and discuss in the coming days and weeks!
Slowly getting out there. Remember that is our friend. :wink:

#1 Mauritius
#1 Spain
#2 Netherlands
#3 Chile
#3 Hungary
#3 Italy
#7 Peru
#9 Poland
#13 Argentina
#14 Luxembourg
#17 Czech Republic
#17 Denmark
#17 Slovakia
#19 Norway
#20 Germany
#25 Greece
#26 France
#26 Israel
#28 Mexico
#36 Brazil
#48 United Kingdom
#51 Australia
#57 Belgium
#68 United States
#70 Hong Kong
#72 New Zealand
#78 Canada
As of 4:50 PM EST:

#1 Czech Republic
#1 Hungary
#1 Ireland
#1 Italy
#1 Mauritius
#1 Netherlands
#1 Peru
#1 Slovenia
#1 Spain
#1 Sweden
#2 Belgium
#2 Brazil
#2 Chile
#2 Colombia
#2 Denmark
#2 El Salvador
#2 Luxembourg
#2 Mexico
#2 Portugal
#4 Bulgaria
#4 Cyprus
#4 Slovakia
#5 Argentina
#5 Poland
#6 Austria
#7 France
#8 Greece
#9 Germany
#13 United States
#14 Canada
#14 Switzerland
#15 Norway
#17 United Kingdom
#17 New Zealand
#22 Finland
#24 Ukraine
#29 Israel
#32 Hong Kong
#40 Papua New Guinea
#42 Botswana
#43 Australia
#60 Russia
#65 South Africa
#68 Indonesia
#87 India
#89 Singapore
#154 Taiwan
It just shot up, didn't it? I think it can make it to the U.S. iTunes Top 10 after performing it on The Tonight Show.
It just shot up, didn't it? I think it can make it to the U.S. iTunes Top 10 after performing it on The Tonight Show.

That actually might be to it's advantage as the new sales tracking week will start at about the same time as U2 play the song.

I still think they should have released this on a Friday to maximize the total momentum for first week charting though.
Current U2 iTunes estimates.

So the newest Taylor Swift single has been #1 on the iTunes chart all week and estimated by HitsDoubleDaily to sell almost 275,000 downloads this week, which is on average 39,000 per day, and 1,600 downloads per hour.

For the past 4 hours, TBT has averaged around ~21% of Taylor's sales according to Kworb, which is roughly 1344 sales total. From 4 to 7 hours presumably averaged ~12% of Taylor's sales which is 576 sales total. From 7 to 11 it was ~5% of Taylor's total sales, or 320 sales total. For hours 11 - 14, it was charting fairly low around ~2% of Taylor's total sales or 96 total sales.

If it stays relatively steady overnight and gains slightly tomorrow, say holding around 25% of Taylor's sales on average for the next 26 hours, we could possibly see 10,400 sales in that period.

Which would bring us to `~12,700 downloads total for for this current tracking week.
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Digital Sales Data

Actually according to this U2 has sold 876 digital downloads in the UK, 6725 digital downloads in the US, and 339 digital downloads in Ireland thus far.

Statistical estimate at 12656 total downloads worldwide.
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Those numbers sound so depressing until you realise that most people either buy physical things or stream things.

Yeah digital downloads are pretty much dead.

The #50 most streamed song in the country last week was streamed nearly 5,000,000 times in America alone.
Vinyl sales make me happy, I'm not surprised to see digital sales drop - streaming is convenience + quantity, physical is traditional. Digital has nowhere to go.
Any sign or rumours of any kind of physical release for Best Thing? The thing that annoyed me most about the whole SOI release period was that there were no physical singles available, unless you forked out a lot for promo cds. Even in this day and age you would think that U2 could easily shift 5k or 10k copies of its new lead single in the first week (even just in the States?) in physical form if it was a well designed and thought out package, including an actual unheard b-side or two, and an audio of say the Blackout live performance or something. They easily shift about 10k in a week in the Record Store Day releases. Go figure?
No clue, but I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't one.

9:35 AM EST:

#1 Brazil
#1 Czech Republic
#1 El Salvador
#1 Ireland
#1 Italy
#1 Mexico
#1 Netherlands
#1 Peru
#1 Portugal
#1 Slovenia
#1 Spain
#2 Argentina
#2 Belgium
#2 Colombia
#2 Denmark
#2 Hungary
#2 Luxembourg
#3 Austria
#3 Norway
#3 Sweden
#4 Chile
#4 Romania
#5 France
#8 Poland
#9 Finland
#9 Germany
#10 Switzerland
#11 New Zealand
#12 United States
#12 India
#12 Mauritius
#13 Canada
#15 Greece
#15 Slovakia
#16 United Kingdom
#23 Australia
#28 Israel
#33 South Africa
#44 Indonesia
#50 Hong Kong
#53 Russia
#106 Singapore
#117 Japan
#128 Turkey
#169 Taiwan

It's barely making a dent on streaming.
Currently looks like it pulling about half a million views per day on YouTube. Does anyone know if views of their Tonight Show performance count as YouTube views for chart purposes? I would guess not, but wasn't sure. Hopefully it will keep a good clip going after the show and maybe a boost for the regular official video.
Vinyl sales make me happy, I'm not surprised to see digital sales drop - streaming is convenience + quantity, physical is traditional. Digital has nowhere to go.

Vinyl is such a fucking awful format, its resurgence baffles me no end.

I usually just stream; if I want to support an artist I'll buy digital. I only grab a CD when I'm at a gig and a previously unfamiliar support act has impressed me. I've enough clutter; I don't need more CDs I'll just rip to MP3 and then never touch again. Physical music is a waste of time in this digital age.

The guy who keeps buying physical books because he's not entirely consistent in his attitudes between media
As per Kworb:

"The Best Thing" was the #300 most viewed music video on Youtube in the world yesterday with 510,988 total views.
"The Best Thing" failed to make any daily Spotify chart except for Ireland's where it was #162 with 3,375 plays. It current has 260,650 Spotify plays worldwide.
Currently #15 on American iTunes.
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Plus on the YouTube thing there are actually only another 3 "new" songs ahead of U2
How the hell are U2 supposed to compete with 253m views for a Taylor swift video?
In the US, TBT has already received 168 plays on Alternative radio, 57 plays on AAA radio, 22 plays on Active Rock radio, and 32 plays on Hot Adult Contemporary radio so far.
For Alternative and AAA, yes. For Active Rock and Hot AC, pretty "meh".

That said, it's not too bad for a single that won't be promoted to radio until next Wednesday.

Really unsure what the bands strategy is with all this, they must know they will never compete with the teeny boppers out there, so what would they constitute to be a hit?
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