Melbourne Spring Racing Carnival

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Jun 3, 2005
East Point to Shaolin
Gotta be some place to post this stuff. Yes I am guilty of not giving a fuck about horse racing all year and then getting into it come spring.

Black Caviar just won its 14th consecutive race. It is yet to be beaten. Fucking unbelievable.
The Spring Racing Carnival is just an excuse for guys to look stupid in suits, get shit-faced, and fall off the back of trams while trying to grope equally shit-faced women in ludicrously impractical and ugly clothes.

I'm not entirely sure most of them are aware there are horses involved in the events.
:lol: I knew you'd be the first to post, and I knew, like Warren Perso once said, "he's just being anti".

Fair enough though. 99% couldn't give a shit about the horses, you're right.

Being a sports freak I'm interested though.
Ax's first post says it all. :laugh:

Our local cup is full of bogan boys and fake tanned girls. They mostly buy cheap outfits because they'll just end up trashed by 3pm.

We think the Melbourne Cup is classy :cocktail: :lol: but really, the only interest I have is an odd two dollar tip at work.
I've never been because I've heard enough stories and seen tooooo many unkempt gals staggering around the streets to know better. The best dressed has a few classy people but not many.. . .and it usually gets a liftout in the paper where you can vote your fave :lol:
Spring Carnival is only good for what happens off the track. Everything that happens on the track is irrelevant and shouldn't take up so much space in the sports section.
Anyone think Caviar is beatable in this?

Was at the Arc a few weeks back so I'm in the racing vibe.

It's a pity most Aussies on here don't take horse racing seriously because there's a great racing tradition in the country. When I was in Melbourne, I recall visiting a museum devoted to the history of horse racing in Australia.
Beaten in what? The only way I can see her losing is a big step-up in distance (and Nolen slowed her down and didn't use the whip over 1200 at the weekend) or some accident. She's phenomenal. She reminds me of the Bart's horse (ha) in the Simpsons.

It's a massive industry and spring racing season is wonderful.
Craig Williams is one of the weirdest looking blokes in the world. My horse got scratched, so that was a waste of time.

One problem with horse racing as a sport is that no one will remember who this Duneden horse is in a couple of months.
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