The Stone Roses Reunite

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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Jun 8, 2004
It will be official in a half an hour or so at a scheduled press conference in London. The British media have been talking about it for the past few days.

Yeah, reunions are not cool, and everybody knows they were godawful live, but I'm still a bit excited about this. Rumours say there could be new material as well... The first album is a classic, with I Am the Resurrection being one of my favourite songs ever made. Turns Into Stone is one of the best non-album/B-side compilations ever, and Second Coming, although uneven and inconsistent in tone, rocks! Woefully under-appreciated.

So if Ian Brown somehow finds his voice (doubtful I know), if Squire, Mani and Reni will be as musically tight as they were at some of the early live shows, this could be good. Or it could be a disaster.
This is fantastic news. Hopefully it eventuates into a world tour and a third album. Ian Brown's solo career is something that is criminally underappreciated, and all the boys have been active in one way or another since the Roses split.

Kind of raises hopes that a Smiths reunion is not too farfetched a possibility, as the Roses have been adamant for years that they would never ever reform, but let's enjoy this moment. The Roses are back!
:hyper: I assume a tour will be soon to come, and while the chances are slim they'll play here, they have a decent fanbase, so who knows. I would be willing to give them a shot regardless of their reputation.
I hope they work their arses off and are great!

I've heard there are two Manchester shows. Hopefully there will be more.

It will be official in a half an hour or so at a scheduled press conference in London. The British media have been talking about it for the past few days.

Yeah, reunions are not cool, and everybody knows they were godawful live, but I'm still a bit excited about this. Rumours say there could be new material as well... The first album is a classic, with I Am the Resurrection being one of my favourite songs ever made. Turns Into Stone is one of the best non-album/B-side compilations ever, and Second Coming, although uneven and inconsistent in tone, rocks! Woefully under-appreciated.

So if Ian Brown somehow finds his voice (doubtful I know), if Squire, Mani and Reni will be as musically tight as they were at some of the early live shows, this could be good. Or it could be a disaster.
Yep, two shows in Manchester, Heaton Park, June 29th and 30th.

After that a world tour. New songs will be played. Seems good so far.

New website and ticket info:
World tour, eh. I might have to go somewhere to see that. We'll see, could end up sucking hard.
I think this is great news, they're a fantastic band. With these live shows in manchester and a world tour afterwards will be great for the fans, but the fact they've got new material lined up too, means this isn't just some nostalgia trip. Can't wait!
I'm relatively meh about this, Manchester does enough reminiscing as it is. A good joke I read earlier today with a decent amount of truth to it: 'I don't think anyone ever told the DJs in Manchester that The Stone Roses ever split up in the first place.'

It's hard to find a decent indie club here that doesn't mainly rely on a combination of oasis and the stone roses with the kings of leon in-between.
It's hard to find a decent indie club here that doesn't mainly rely on a combination of oasis and the stone roses with the kings of leon in-between.

Kings of Leon, eh? Well that's as Manchester as it gets! :wink:

I'm skeptical that they could come up with anything that resembles their first album, but stranger things have happened.

I definitely wouldn't want an album like that. The second one wasn't as good, but barely anything is, so I liked the fact that it was a major detour for them. It would be great if the third album - if it happens - goes in another direction. I'm curious as to how a whole album of songs similar to Fools Gold, Something's Burning and Begging You would sound. They did that mix of dance, funk and rock that defined the Madchester scene so well.
Stone Roses, welcome back. I love Turns into Stone and I agree that it is probably the best b side compilation ever. Pisces Iscariot follows a close second. Somethings BurningSomethings Burning is lovely.

I only discovered Jackson Pollock after being familiar with John Squires paintings. How about that!
Stone Roses, welcome back. I love Turns into Stone and I agree that it is probably the best b side compilation ever.

I'd argue that that title belongs to Pearl Jam's Lost Dogs. But if Radiohead ever does something similar, they could just top that one. Nevertheless, Turns Into Stone truly is among the best. After all, it does feature what is probably their most known song.

Here's the link to the press conference (there is even a brief discussion about U2 where Reni praises the band):

thestonerosesmcr's Channel - YouTube
Pooh, this is exciting news. Must go spin the debut. Maybe today is the day I listen to the sequel ....
Great news, i have always liked Stone Roses. Ian Brown is such a nice bloke, once before one of his shows, i was playing football outside with my mates, and he came out and gave us all free VIP tickets.
bono_212 said:
Pooh, this is exciting news. Must go spin the debut. Maybe today is the day I listen to the sequel ....

The sequel is hard to listen to. The filler is really, really bad (Tightrope, Good Times) but there are some gems on there (10 Storey Love Song, Daybreak, Tears, Love Spreads, Driving South)
Tightrope is a great song. It is difficult to find anything catchier than that chorus on the album.

I always thought that Ten Storey Love Song is one of the weakest ones on there.
I am without words at this. The Stone Roses really changed my life musically. I liked those guys from Ireland, but EVERYTHING else I listened to followed the path of the Roses from Manchester through to Oasis. We are planning a trip to the UK next year and just might drop everything (we were originally going in April/May) to make it to the Manchester shows. SO glad to know now rather than next March! I think I'll try for tickets Friday and worry about using them later ;) :hmm::huh:
It'd be nice (if impossible) to try and get to Manchester for those gigs...I'm just hopeful about them potentially coming to the US...? Baltimore as opposed to just Philly and DC would be nice, too...

But anyways. I'm ridiculously happy about this :)
The sequel is hard to listen to. The filler is really, really bad (Tightrope, Good Times) but there are some gems on there (10 Storey Love Song, Daybreak, Tears, Love Spreads, Driving South)

I really love Both SR albums. As someone sed the other day...the Second Coming album is like their 3rd album....we never got the second. The first album was always gonna be a bugger to try and equal or better
Two nights at Heaton Park sold out in 14 minutes. After that they added a third show on July 1st and that got sold out too.

With 220,000 tickets sold out in 68 minutes, these are the fastest selling rock gigs in UK history. Pretty impressive, even for reunion standards.
Congrats!!!! I got to see them in 95, no Reni, and just before John Squires left. Sullen bastards, but still, those first notes of I wanna be adored, :drool: Enjoy!
I also saw them in 95 in Brussels. They started with adored and it sounded great. Unfortunately when Ian opened his mouth..:huh:
Still, I couldn't refuse to go. Never thought I'd saw the day I could see Squire play again.
And Reni.. They mean a lot to me.
You can only hope that Ian has a good day. :)
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