Springsteen On Broadway

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Blue Crack Addict
Nov 30, 2002
Edge's beanie closet
The CD set is out today, I got the CDs instead of downloading. Honestly I knew nothing about the show, except that I had zero chance of getting a ticket.

I'm listening to it now and I didn't realize it was mostly spoken word. Oh well. Makes sense that he wanted to do something different. But if you're not interested in lots of Bruce talk don't bother.

It's on Netflix Sunday.
I will be watching it on Netflix. I’m intrigued, especially when it’s received a lot of praise.
The CD set is out today, I got the CDs instead of downloading. Honestly I knew nothing about the show, except that I had zero chance of getting a ticket.

I'm listening to it now and I didn't realize it was mostly spoken word. Oh well. Makes sense that he wanted to do something different. But if you're not interested in lots of Bruce talk don't bother.

It's on Netflix Sunday.

Not sure how one would not know that the content wasn’t primarily music-based. If it was a concert, it would have been advertised as such. Hence the “Broadway”.
Not sure how one would not know that the content wasn’t primarily music-based. If it was a concert, it would have been advertised as such. Hence the “Broadway”.

Yes I realize that, really no need to explain. But there are also musicals on Broadway that don't have dialogue.

My mother was dying of cancer so I didn't have time to read anything about the show.
Watched tonight... It's phenomenal, and now I'm even more pissed that I didn't try harder to see it live.

Obviously you need to have some interest in learning the backstory of someone's life - but it's so we'll done that you don't have to necessarily be a Bruce fan (much like his book, which this is based on).
Sorry to hear that, Mrs S.

Thank you, I appreciate that.

I watched this over the weekend. For me it translates so much better visually. I'm completely interested in his story. His struggles with depression, I have those too. And honestly him being so open about them helps. There is still a stigma and there shouldn't be. I can relate to all the stuff about his father too.

When I started to play the CD it just didn't resonate for me and it seemed disjointed. I did read his book. But when you see him talk and sing the songs it's just real and very touching and it all comes together like a gut punch. All the stuff about his Mom just killed me, for obvious reasons. Plus she sounds so much like my Mom.

I will watch it again. He's truly a storyteller and he's a great one.
I loved it.

What an artist, musician and storyteller. As Headache says, it‘s so well done. Very hard to not go through so many emotions in those 2.5 hours...that’s how good he is.
Reading a lot of comments online about it making people cry or get emotional, and they weren't necessarily big fans either. Will probably check this out at some point here.
I got extremely lucky and saw the show in January. It was incredible. I've already watched the HBO stream , and it was almost as powerful as being there. It was nice to see how much tighter it got over the months since I saw it. It was already pretty damn tight but his reading from the cue cards was more obvious then.

Tom Waits did a week on Broadway in the 80s and it was basically a scaled-down concert in a Broadway theater, as I recall. Given that Springsteen had also previously done a solo tour in smaller venues, seems natural to have assumed his Broadway gig would be like that if you hadn't read anything about the show.

MrsSpringsteen, very sorry about your mother. :sad:
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