Shuttlecock X: Cobbler gets on stage and forces U2 into a medley of Outkast covers

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By the way, I'm not too fond of the rant in Bullet. Initially I thought it was a self-critical assessment by Bono, but now I feel it almost sounds like a rationalization of him embracing people that, frankly, he shouldn't be embracing. Not sure if that makes sense. But the it's gonna take you, and me, and the sevens and the eights or whatever part rings a touch self-serving.

Not a huge deal, as the song still kicks ass.
But it ties in entirely to the there is no them only us theme.

Saying he shouldn't be associated with other people because they're "them" is what prevents progress.
I wish the world was that simple. Maybe it is from the perspective of an egomaniac.

Yeah, not that much of the Bullet rant fan.
I think Mofo deserves even more respect than it already gets. It is a genuine banger of a dance track. Hard, heavy, fast. For a band considered uncool and not "dance" or electronic in any way, shape or form (even if that's a little unfair considering they were in tune with those scenes as well as hip-hop in the 90s), to make a dance track that good, one that still holds up to do, as well as filtering in some very heavy lyrics about his mother, it's an astonishing achievement, it really is.


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But it ties in entirely to the there is no them only us theme.

Saying he shouldn't be associated with other people because they're "them" is what prevents progress.

Maybe it's just poorly communicated and simplistic, but it does sound a bit self-serving to me. His Pride speech on peacemakers is more reasonable on that front, but Bullet sounds like "look, I now look like an American and fly a private jet, but you need people like me too". I don't know, maybe I was a bit frustrated with some of the people with whom he likes to associate these days. Last week he was praising Paul Kagame - who was in attendance - for his work on HIV/AIDS. Same guy who is responsible for an unspeakable amount of instability in eastern Congo for almost 20 years. Sorry, I digress.

More reality based; I think Bono has just come to terms with the fact that you can praise and thank a politician on a single issue without endorsing that politician. His younger self, as would mine, would have had issues with this.

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Sometimes you can take that too far though. I mean, Santorum, really?!

Reaching out to both sides of politics doesn't mean you have to reach out to every nutter and scumbag.
Look, I'm really excited they're playing Electric Co. on the reg. And alternating with Gloria now. And it was really cool that they busted out Two Hearts.

But they really need to think about trying a rarity from the 90s. Or something post-War. Because I really can't get too excited about Party Girl at this point.
Look, I'm really excited they're playing Electric Co. on the reg. And alternating with Gloria now. And it was really cool that they busted out Two Hearts.

But they really need to think about trying a rarity from the 90s. Or something post-War. Because I really can't get too excited about Party Girl at this point.

Just to illustrate your point, here's a quick list of songs that they've played over 100 times that they haven't played since 2000:

I Fall Down
I Threw A Brick Through A Window
A Day Without Me
Trying To Throw Your Arms Around The World
Another Time, Another Place

I know that most of these are War or earlier, but these are all songs that they haven't busted out in a very long time, that have been proven to work in live contexts, and that would be a shot of fresh air in the rotation.

EDIT: you can also add Love Is Blindness (played partially once in 2006), A Sort Of Homecoming (played acoustically twice in 2001) to this list as well, if you'd like.
Bruce shows up, and they do the same two songs with him they've already done? :lol:
there's nothing I love more than watching Bono's mancrush on Bruce Springsteen.
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