Hot Chip - "One Life Stand" - Feb 9

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Jun 3, 2005
East Point to Shaolin
ridiculously early, obviously, but we can just bump this later on.

Pitchfork: New Hot Chip: "Take It In"

the new song is called take it on, and is streaming at the link provided.

it certainly sounds like a bit of a departure from some of their previous work. i loved the start, those dark beats, but i'm not won over by that chorus.
i don't get it. Hot Chip sounds like many other bands that i love. i should love Hot Chip, but i don't. and i have not good reason as to why.
Not so sure I like this track and new sound. The chorus doesn't really seem to fit the usual beats of Hot Chip. I love Over and Over. THAT's some good Hot Chip! :up: I'll want to hear more tracks before deciding if I want to invest in the new album. They will be playing in Bristol when I'm over in UK in Feb tho....:hmm:
Sounds like a logical progression from Made in the Dark, even if I prefer the lighter stylings found on their first album.

I don't know what you guys are saying, the chorus is fantastic.
Sounds like a logical progression from Made in the Dark, even if I prefer the lighter stylings found on their first album.

I don't know what you guys are saying, the chorus is fantastic.

that's exactly what i thought, an evolution from Made in the Dark, but I prefer The Warning as well. Their first album is called Coming on Strong.

it's a grower, i just don't think it really matched the beats..
I was fairly disappointed by the last album, hopefully this one is better. The Warning was teh bomz.
:up: The Warning was better i reckon as well.

i'm worried that they going to take the "club" path, as lose what makes them a pretty damn cool band and just make basic, banal tracks ready to be remixed (aka Bloc Party's One More Chance)
The first half of the album is fantastic...and then it kind of falls apart. They dissolve into that ballady stuff for a couple of songs, and then it's hard to get back into the dance mode. I think I just really enjoyed the glitchy feel of The Warning, and they've moved so far beyond that at this point. But, there's a few solid songs here, to be sure.
hmm... i might wait for this one. i'm a strange cat sometimes.

re The Warning - you and me both. it looks as if they're taking the path i was hoping they wouldn't.
I don't own any albums but have a few tracks, so I can't compare it to anything else but, I think the chours grows on you.
bought the album today.

i haven't listened to it yet, but what a waste of $20. it's in one of those crappy, carboard eco pack things, with no booklet. so it's essentially a colourful piece of cardboard with a CD with no artwork on it inside.

this is what annoys me. i'm more than happy to buy CDs and still do, but i'm tight on money and that $20 could better have been spent on a uni book if all i get was a piece of cardboard.

but it's the music that's the thing, so i'll be back shortly with a comment.
bought the album today.

i haven't listened to it yet, but what a waste of $20. it's in one of those crappy, carboard eco pack things, with no booklet. so it's essentially a colourful piece of cardboard with a CD with no artwork on it inside.

this is what annoys me. i'm more than happy to buy CDs and still do, but i'm tight on money and that $20 could better have been spent on a uni book if all i get was a piece of cardboard.

but it's the music that's the thing, so i'll be back shortly with a comment.

That sucks, but thanks for the forewarning. I vascilate between buying music on iTunes vs actually buying the cd based on how much I really like the artist, the artwork, or if something like a cool booklet comes with the cd. In this case I will just buy the album on iTunes. Unless someone puts one cheap on Amazon or eBay. I check all and compare prices before buying.
I vacillate between radio stations on a regular basis and have not heard Hot Chip song. It's not because I don't listen to the radio, which I do, but because no station around me plays Hot Chip.
It was on the local indie station, I doubt any other station in Utah has ever played Hot Chip.
That's about as believable as listening to Nachos. That's not music, that's snack food!
disappointing. Take it In is the best by miles in my eyes, and there's a couple of other good tracks, but nothing that comes close to a Boy From School, One Pure Thought, etc...
I was disappointed by this as well. The good stuff is really good, like One Life Stand, Take It In and We Have Love. But the bad stuff is some of the worst I have heard from Hot Chip. Too bad.
Should I listen to their other albums before I hear this new one, or is that going to ruin the experience of the new one for me? (Not sure if this question makes sense)
I'd say to listen to The Warning before trying anything else, but I haven't heard the new one yet, so I don't know.
I'd say listen to The Warning. And then maybe Made in the Dark. And, honestly, I don't even know if listening to the new one is essential. There's some good tracks, as others have said, but overall, it's not on par with their previous albums.

I guess it makes sense, considering most of our qualms with it have been that they didn't make another glitchy record like The Warning, and he's judging it precisely because they didn't do that, and he likes the turn, while we don't. Whatever, it's just Pitchfork. They've been weird about some ratings lately, to say the least.
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I'd say listen to The Warning. And then maybe Made in the Dark. And, honestly, I don't even know if listening to the new one is essential. There's some good tracks, as others have said, but overall, it's not on par with their previous albums.

Well, I've liked the two songs I've heard from this, but haven't been blown away by anything else I've heard them do. Probably should've mentioned that first.
if the two songs you've heard are One Life Stand and Take it In, then i would say save your money/bandwidth (depending on your stance there).

agreed, oneblood. i think we just all like The Warning and that's the Hot Chip we love. it's a solid record but nothing spectacular.

if you haven't yet, i'd recommend you give their debut a spin. it's closer to The Warning then the last two.
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