It's Fish Offal - Name my exotic disease!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Angela Harlem

Jesus Online
Dec 31, 1969
a glass castle
So, I have the bloodshot eyes of a raging alcoholic, without the alcohol. And headaches which are excruciating. I'm leaning toward Queensland tick typhus. It might make me sound well travelled.
you are subject to digit loss


From some of the symptoms,anna, it sounds as if you may be suffering from Gandactosialadosis. I am being COMPLETELY serious. Totally go to webmd and check it out...Immediately. I am very concerned and would SO hate to see you lose your ability to type interesting posts here in IO in the NEAR future. Get it treated.

I am so happy when people come here for my help with their medical issues. I completely expect a rash of interferencers with shuttlecock elbow soon.

I am here to help!
technically, i never gave birth. they were extracted like an xstrata coal mining exercise. and i'm not working again until i can get a night job in a gaol, hopefully this year. it might be the oldest child though, who also happens to be a firecracker.
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