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Feb 12, 2005

Why do I feel like I don’t belong here
Lost as in a land that I should not be in
Lost like a time traveller where
people seem so strange
they appear to know me but I don’t know them
always on the outside
always looking in
as if I’m viewing a world which
does not even exist.

Lost in the wilderness
the cheating and the lies
people act so kind
but deep down their
only motive is selfishness
and they don’t care who gets hurt.

Lost in a world where dragons abound
hidden away in secret silence
awaitng their unsuspecting prey
dragons in human form
not the kind in fairy tales.

Why do I feel like I don’t belong here
I can see the future’s bleakness
as the masses of this world
try to survive an inferno unfolding
right before my eyes.

There is a window which I came by
and by a window I shall leave
as people in this world
do not understand the importance
and the reason they exist.
Why do I feel like I don’t belong here....
the lack of human “love”.

..... I feel that way so much

yet there is one exception, and I don't understand it at all....

All I can say
Is that there are people out there who care about others in a real way.
I won't say that I know someone else
But I sure as hell know I can love
and I do

Sometimes it makes you powerless, but the pain lets you know your alive.

As far as finding love?
Don't ask me
I think it found me
I was lucky, because I thought it was, and guessed even when I wasn't sure
But I was actualy right

I think once you accept that you might not get anything back from loving someone or something, then you can see if love is there or not. If it is there, and returned, then it's real

But I don't ever expect any sort of love anymore, but when it does show itself, it is great.

part II in my next post
Sometimes I wonder

if it is all an act, and love is a form of insecurity
if love is an excuse for humans to rely on others
an excuse to.... to be with somone

I don't believe in love unless it's everlasting, otherwise I think it's sort of BS. But that is just for me.....

Outside of my exception, It seems like everything is so fake, and sometimes I question my exception, too. But ..... I don't think people know enough about love. It is easy to think you do, and easy to think you know all about it

but I don't
and I don't believe most people do either.....

I wish the taught classes in school
about how to be concerned, and care about things. Even if you don't...... just to be aware.....

eh.... loosing my train of thought/.////.....
People seem so scared....

worrying about only how they feel
ONly to avoid pain
avoid hurt
and that is no way to love

that is the way to hate

I see a lot of people who aren't strongenough to not concern themselves with their immediate "feeling" of happiness.

"Why do I feel like I don’t belong here
I can see the future’s bleakness
as the masses of this world
try to survive an inferno unfolding
right before my eyes."

You aren't alone, that I know is true.
If nothing more.....

For Honor.....those are great thoughts.

Thank you,

I have been very depressed and my writing helps me get through. Your thoughts are how I often feel. I appreciate your feedback.
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