Stay in School

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Aug 13, 2001
Ahem... accidentally hit reply earlier rather than post

I think I'll stick around community college and take every business, technical and occupational night class there is ... until there's no reason why I should not get a job.


a mofoin' hipster without a trust fund.
yeah whoever we are talking about you I think everyone should stay in school! you should acquiesce to the norms of society. Don't try to be the antithesis of the modern 'yes-maams and brainless zombies that are produced by the public schools.' do what you are told, believe that we have no souls, put on your suit and martch off too a job you hate, try to make people you abhor like you, even though you wish they would jump out a 28 story building. what do you say? a social prostitute? yeah debauchery is really socialization, just a better word. Everyone is a social prostitute and sells their beingness and time for money, that is what makes you succesfull! even though the most godly attribute one can have is the ability to 'create', that is not a high priority, it may rock the foundation of our profiteering society. So stay in school, even though you could teach your self about the principles of quantum mechanics or the actions of hormones on sex diamorphism and its apparent binary dichotomous reality, that would be against the norms of society and besides you might accomplish something, 'cause everyone knows that anyone who ever invented anything or attained any notoriety did so because they were different from everyone who came before them. But then that puts too much pressure on you, it is much easier to be a 'button pusher' stay in school, 'yes maam, would you like some fries with that?'
I don't think SoulfulMofo was saying he wants to stay in school so he can become a 'social prostitute' or because he thinks public/formal education is the only way to gain knowledge and understanding.

But maybe I'm smoking crack too.
there is nothing wrong with the attainment of knowledge, except if it is used in the best interests of others. we can learn something from everything, 'behold the turtle, he makes progress only when he sticks his neck out'. . . . ' armies advance only when they are confident of victory and retreat when they have lost all hope, thus confidence breeds success"!!!!
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