Since your last confession...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts. this about spanking and kicking asses or not? ;)


Maybe you can clarify what you meant for us, DebbieSG?
It seems I am the only one who got this so far....How rare!

Anyways, Debbie is simply asking:
Does anyone have something they want to confess that they have done since their last confession?
Confessions are usually made to a priest right? And ah, 'greater authority in moral matters' usually means God. Hence the church and priest, little wooden box etc...As ya'll already knew. I dont geddit re: the confusion over this!

Anyways. I have an apparently shocking confession to make, and I'm rather scared of making it in here. I'd tell a priest a lot quicker than I'd tell Interference. I told the husband and he hasn't quite looked at me the same way since. I think I'm going to hell for it.



Anyways, this is a thread for confessing what you have done since your last confession.
I have never been to confession, so I'll have to pluck one out of the archives.....:

* I have never been to confession
* I once stole some purple chalk off a girl I called a friend. I was 8 years old at the time.
* I egged a teachers car and it did faintly damage the paintwork.
* I am guilty of setting fire to For Sale Signs outside various homes..."Back In The Day" times though....We used to hide though to ensure no serious fire broke out and were always ready with the hose. But we still burned em....And retained a small sense of responsibility...Just.

Um. That is all.

Angela Harlem said:
* I once stole some purple chalk off a girl I called a friend. I was 8 years old at the time

how you can live with yourself is beyond me :|
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