In need of prayers for a sick boy

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Jan 22, 2005
Harrisburg, PA
My mom just emailed me to tell me that the child of one of her co-workers had a bad accident yesterday. The little boy is about four, and he fell at nursery school and hit his neck on a chair. A little while later he started throwing up blood.

It turns out that he tore something in his neck, which is blocking his breathing. He's going into surgery later today.

His mom is such a nice person and always helps my mom out at work. She and her husband have several kids, and they're a very tight-knit family. I feel really badly because I live three hours away and there isn't anything I can do to help, so I thought I would ask for some extra prayers.

Thank you.
Thank you everybody for your thoughts and prayers. It seems like they really did work!

Javon's surgery went very well. Doctors expected to find a hole in his trachea from his fall, but thankfully they didn't. They think it was simply the force of the fall that caused the internal bleeding. He was still in intensive care last night, but they're expecting he'll be able to go home soon and will be back to running around in no time.
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