i do

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Originally posted by zooropamanda:
youre cruisin for a bruisin

hehe.. I love that phrase.

If I had a nickel for every stupid thing I did, I would live on an island in the shape of the letter "U" and the numeral "2". This island would feature a multitude of speakers in various locations which could play any U2 song I so desired (live or studio) at the touch of a button. The band that goes by said name would play the first and last gig of every show in an acoustically scrumptious outdoor arena. All interferencers would be invited of course, and all the ladies could have their turn dancin with King B.. ok, now I'm gettin silly.. time for bed. lol
Originally posted by LarryMullen's_POPAngel:
FOX....told ya.

Hmm... its almost as if you could see the future, or curse me in such a way that it would have horrible reprocussions... *gasps in shock* Herecy! WITCH! WITCH!!!

*goes to find proper means for curse removal*
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