Fess Up! The things in life you'll never do..

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Eat bugs
Bungee jump
Watch Fear Factor-I gag just seeing commercials for it
rock climb

Go to a U2 concert
Go to Ireland
Go to Germany
never do...

* have kids (that's what i think now)
* eat monkey brains...
* be one of my faculty's teacher
* kiss someone that i don't like

I must do:

*meet dj muggs :drool:
*publish a book
*travel to europe to study fotography and cinematography
*leave my parent's house and move to the highest floor of a building just to get over my fear to height :D
I will never....

Be in a threesome
Get so drunk I pass out
Not gag after accidentally eating a peanut or anything containing a peanut or piece of a peanut
Like living where it snows

Things I MUST do to be satisfied...

Live somewhere warm and sunny
Have a job working with animals or foster animals (at some point in my life)
See a tornado
Meet Nadia Comaneci
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Won't Do...

1-Eat gross stuff
2-Be used
3-Go to a baseball game again

Have to do...

1-See U2 live in Dublin
2-Go back to Europe
3-Start my own business

PS :lol: @ ski the K12! That is from one of my all time favorite cult movies....
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