Obama Quote Generator

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
May 10, 2006
Der Sunshine State
Barack Obama Quote Generator - Buttafly.com


"I think it's time we had a national conversation about washington politics. We need to get past all the republicans and recognize that we are our own best hope for overcoming wall street. We need democrats, not guns. Democrats are our hope and change. And we need to have change in washington politics."
"These people haven't had employment for fifty years. So you can't be surprised if they get bitter and cling to their gas prices and their unemployment and their wars. That's what my campaign is about. Teaching all the little people in this country that they can have jobs." :lol:

"I think it's time we had a national conversation about fuck. We need to get past all the fuck and recognize that we are our own best hope for overcoming fuck. We need fuck, not fuck. Fuck are our fuck. And we need to have change in fuck."

"These people haven't had fuck for fifty years. So you can't be surprised if they get bitter and cling to their fuck and their fuck and their fuck. That's what my campaign is about. Teaching all the little people in this country that they can have fuck."

"You know, there's a lot of talk in this country about fuck. Well I think Americans are tired of the same old fuck. Ordinary Americans believe in fuck, they want less fuck, they just aren't sure if their leaders believe in fuck."
"These people haven't had Free homes for fifty years.
So you can't be surprised if they get bitter and cling to their gangs and their rape and their Bush.
That's what my campaign is about.

Teaching all the little people in this country that they can have Cheese."

"You know, there's a lot of talk in this country about U2.
Well I think Americans are tired of the same old U2.
Ordinary Americans believe in U2, they want (more) U2,
they just aren't sure if their leaders believe in U2."
"I think it's time we had a national conversation about Dimwitted Politicians. We need to get past all the Investment banks and recognize that we are our own best hope for overcoming Government bail outs. We need cookies, not The United States Senate. Cookies are our salvation. And we need to have salvation in Dimwitted Politicians."
"These people haven't had oral sex for fifty years.
So you can't be surprised if they get bitter and cling to their diarrhea and their taxes and their sodomy.
That's what my campaign is about.
Teaching all the little people in this country that they can have fisting."
"I think it's time we had a national conversation about giving in to pressure. We need to get past all the Dodgers and recognize that we are our own best hope for overcoming Billy Goats. We need Cubs, not Cardinals. Cubs are our , America's best baseall team. And we need to have change in giving in to pressure."

"You know, there's a lot of talk in this country about giving in to pressure. Well I think Americans are tired of the same old Dodgers. Ordinary Americans believe in Cubs, they want less Cardinals, they just aren't sure if their leaders believe in America's best baseall team."

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