Mystery Google - your search result is whatever the previous person searched for

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Your search - ohgodsomeonehelpmeimtrappedingoogle - did not match any documents.

Oh this is great.
Results 1 - 10 of about 226,000,000 for fish

Holy crap this is random.
I got an article on Masturbatory Insanity. :lol:


(I typed in Mystery Google and clicked on I'm Feeling Lucky. :hmm: Apparently not too lucky since it is an article about masturbation.)
Is this producing the search result of the last person who genuinely searched Google? Or, is it producing only the last search result of the last person who searced Mystery Google?
I got "Obama Unicorn Painting"

Here are a couple of the choice images that popped up:



Just did my first (and last) search on this crazy site.

Searched: "Popmart"

Got: "Gay midget porn"
I searched 'Sting' and got 'Swingers clubs' :|

EDIT: did a couple of more and seems like A LOT of people like to browse for ugly sex sites (well duh a lot of you might say). But this one stood out by far: searched 'Google' (for random) and got 'bananas monkeys george bush' :lol:
I also searched my username : 'Are you as bored as I am?'

actually yes...and this not really funny or entertaining ...
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