All things gym! Thread/Discussion.

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Jun 3, 2005
East Point to Shaolin
At Globo Gym, We're Better Than You. And We Know It.


Let's talk about gym, though, seriously.

I joined a gym sometime in the final quarter or so of last year. I'm 20 years old, about 186cm tall (I think that's like 6'2") and before I joined I weighed 56kgs :reject: Now I'm up to roughly 60kgs, but I find it all pretty hard. I think eating properly is the hardest thing for me, as in it's hard for me to get used to eating the amount of food I should be to put on weight. I mean when I wake up in the mornings (usually around 10-11am, because I'm at uni and I work nights) I'm not hungry. I could go a good hour after getting up without eating. But I digress.

How long have you been going to the gym? What music do you listen to whilst at gym? What are some funny stories associated with you being at the gym? What's your program like? How much weight do you lift? How far do you run on that treadmill? Have you tried to do your own OK Go video? Do you use protein supplements? YOU GOT A DOOR? YOU GOT A GYM!

Hopefully this thread will generate some good discussion, we all would like to see each other happy in themselves and happy with their bodies I'm sure.

To start the ball rolling, I will regale you with a story about this absolute wanker that works out at my gym. He is one of those people who walks around like he owns the gym. He starts with push ups. He smashes out about 20 or 30 in no time at all, and then throws the discs he was using half way across the room. And whenever he does weights, no matter how light the weight (though he's much bigger than I am, we actually do similar weights on a few exercises) or how few reps he's done, he roars and moans and grunts. As he nears the end of a set, he starts banging his foot on the ground (which you're not meant to do) to pump himself up, I guess. Now I know everyone grunts a bit when doing weights, you're meant to exhale, it helps, but this is just ridiculous. It's very distracting. Maybe in about 10 years when I'm a bit bigger I'll be able to punch him in the face.
I'm about to start going to the gym, I tell myself.

I'm 5'7" (170cm) and weigh about 135 (61 kg). I've gained about 15 pounds (7 kg) since I started college, mostly just from aging and eating. I work out in the sense that I play basketball regularly, so I'm in cardiovascular shape, but I do not lift (I was going to start in the fall until I tore a muscle).

I'm pretty tired from all these metric conversions, though, so I think I'll skip the gym today.
I joined a gym about 18 months ago, shockingly as I swore I would never do actual, you know, exercise. However, after a certain age, dancing till 4.00 am in clubs just doesn't cut it ya know? Mix of cardio (mostly intervals on the bike or elliptical) and weights round. Thankfully we have a women's only room so I don't have to see/hear boofhead blokes grunting. Maybe dropping a 6kg dumbell on his foot might work, cobbler?

My gym is so low rent that the treadmill/bike room just has the one projector showing dvds on the wall, none of this individual screen on the treadmill bullshit. If I see the Sound Relief dvd one more time..... Though you should me go if they're showing Chartbusting 80s!
i went to the gym once. but they didn't have a bar, i couldn't smoke, so i left.

nah, i went to the gym for a little while with a buddy of mine. turns out it's not better to go with someone who pushes you to compete/keep up, but someone who's more out of shape than you.
I go sometimes, I've already started eating a bit healthier/drinking less this year so hopefully I can keep that up and get a decent routine going. There's a good place not far from my place that doesn't pull you in on any bullshit membership deals (which is what I hate about Fitness First et. al).
I do cardio at home on my own machine, 40-50 minutes about 5 times a week. I will add in some strength and conditioning as soon as I have time! Lately I've been shoveling wet snow and ice so my back and shoulders are set for a while.
To start the ball rolling, I will regale you with a story about this absolute wanker that works out at my gym. He is one of those people who walks around like he owns the gym. He starts with push ups. He smashes out about 20 or 30 in no time at all, and then throws the discs he was using half way across the room. And whenever he does weights, no matter how light the weight (though he's much bigger than I am, we actually do similar weights on a few exercises) or how few reps he's done, he roars and moans and grunts. As he nears the end of a set, he starts banging his foot on the ground (which you're not meant to do) to pump himself up, I guess. Now I know everyone grunts a bit when doing weights, you're meant to exhale, it helps, but this is just ridiculous. It's very distracting. Maybe in about 10 years when I'm a bit bigger I'll be able to punch him in the face.

OMG! I hate people like that. I'll give you a little grunting, but seriously, calm down.

(Oh yes, it is SO impressive that you just finished pumping your biceps with those 40 lb./20 kg free weights. Thank you for throwing them on the floor so that we all know that you are done with them.

I've had a membership to our YWCA for more than 10 years. I have lost and gained weight throughout that time, but currently I am down roughly 25 lbs./10 kg from my peak. But, I've got another 25 lbs. to go. Thankfully, I carry the weight fairly well (it's relatively evenly distributed around my body). I'm 6' tall (182 cm) and currently 210 lbs. (95 kg).

Exercising is easy once you make it a routine or a habit. The hard part is starting to do that. My wife and I have found at least 2-3 times per week that we keep on our schedule to go. It helps because she takes one of their free group classes (Body Flow), so having a hard schedule for those helps get us there.

I've got a chronic back injury that I have to be careful of while working out, so that limits what I can do. I'm slowly strengthening it, but it is taking forever and shoveling this fucking snow doesn't help it.

I think it's important to find something that you like to do at the gym first, and then expand from there. For a while, we just went to the gym to sit in the sauna and/or hot tub. It was helpful because it kept us in the habit of going even if we weren't exercising.

Outside of the gym, the two thing I do to help lose weight is walking often (park at a spot on the far side of the lot, take the stairs instead of escalators/elevators, walk up/down escalators) and trying to eat right.
When I lost the most weight, it was because I was counting calories and limiting my intake. Type of food didn't matter so much, I just tried to limit my calories. It's hard as hell, but it works the best. The best food advice I give to people who are trying to lose weight is water content. Eat as much watery food as possible: soups, melons, bananas, pretty much any veggie, etc. There are too many calorie-dense foods. Diet food and artificial sweeteners are okay, especially to get started, but long term, you really want simple, unprocessed, (often raw) food.

Sorry, that's a lot of rambling to start.
I want to get down to my target weight by this summer. I hope other people here can set some goals, too, and we can encourage each other.
I USED to go to the gym, and often go swimming after, as well as do sprinting. I used to be fit, but I used to have more meat/fat/baby fat on my face and bones back in my early 20s. So I could build a bit of muscle easily.

now Im underweight, due to stress/issues, and other couple of things, any working out would have to be very minimal and pretty much nothing, so I can gain fat on body then back on face. Anything crazy the weight would drop off me.

If anything, my future exercise will be swimming once a week to keep circulation going and just its a less intense exercise.

but I miss the days of the gym like twice a week, and the feel good factor after.

I never witnessed anything funny, maybe once a couple of guys just pumpin with dumbells but constantly checking themselves in the mirror and posing, :D. I used to be there for like near 8 at night and there was hardly anyone in the place, it was great!!
I joined the gym at work, which is ludicrously cheap. My schedule allows me to usually pop up there mid-afternoon, when there's hardly anyone else up there, which is nice.

I typically do about 30 minutes of cardio and then a handful of exercises with weights, and some ab stuff.

I joined mostly because as I get older and my metabolism is slowing down, it's easier for me to maintain my current weight by exercising, rather than changing my diet. So, while I could definitely use some toning, I jones the gym not to lose weight, but so I could keep eating whatever I want. :lol:

We'll see how long it lasts. Ideally, I want to go three times a week, but it's usually two. But it's still better than what I was doing, which was a big, fat nothing.
I've been lifting weights consistently for nearly fifteen years now. If I can offer you any advice on how to gain muscle mass and tone, Cobbler, it is this: be consistent. I have known many people who work out furiously for a week or two, only to take a month or two off after that. Working out with weights and cardio a few times a week and eating well will definitely get results.

I can definitely relate to your stories about the Hercules pretender types at the gym. My personal favorite is the high-school hero who comes in with a sleeveless shirt that reveals some elaborate barbed wire or "tribal" tattoo on his arm. Unfortunately, he is scrawny as hell, so when he throws 200 pounds on the bench and starts working himself into a frenzy, the weight invariably drops right onto his chest. It's quite hilarious, really.
I don't I just try to eat normal portions with some variety and leave it at that. Life is too complicated enough for me to obsess about diet!
I take soy protein and amino acid supplements. They do work in terms of muscle mass, but if you're not interested in that, then I don't really think that they are worth using. A lot of those supplements, like Ripped Fuel, can be very dangerous as well.
Do any of you who work out drink those power protein type drinks, or eat the bars?

fuk me, the health shop has so much of that!

only take those things if you're committed to working out and actually know what you're doing, 'cause if you aren't/don't you could end up doing nothing more than putting on weight.

beefcake.. BEEFCAKE!!!
I've been lifting weights consistently for nearly fifteen years now. If I can offer you any advice on how to gain muscle mass and tone, Cobbler, it is this: be consistent. I have known many people who work out furiously for a week or two, only to take a month or two off after that. Working out with weights and cardio a few times a week and eating well will definitely get results.

I can definitely relate to your stories about the Hercules pretender types at the gym. My personal favorite is the high-school hero who comes in with a sleeveless shirt that reveals some elaborate barbed wire or "tribal" tattoo on his arm. Unfortunately, he is scrawny as hell, so when he throws 200 pounds on the bench and starts working himself into a frenzy, the weight invariably drops right onto his chest. It's quite hilarious, really.

I'm trying to be consistent. I go three times a week, some days I have better sets than others. But my focus is really trying to put on weight, I'm not concerned with being ripped in the near future. And it's hard.

:lol: we have a bloke at our gym who perfectly fits that description! barbed wire and all!

Do any of you who work out drink those power protein type drinks, or eat the bars?

fuk me, the health shop has so much of that!

I use protein powder. I found one that tastes nice, that was a bonus.

I joined a gym about 18 months ago, shockingly as I swore I would never do actual, you know, exercise. However, after a certain age, dancing till 4.00 am in clubs just doesn't cut it ya know? Mix of cardio (mostly intervals on the bike or elliptical) and weights round. Thankfully we have a women's only room so I don't have to see/hear boofhead blokes grunting. Maybe dropping a 6kg dumbell on his foot might work, cobbler?

My gym is so low rent that the treadmill/bike room just has the one projector showing dvds on the wall, none of this individual screen on the treadmill bullshit. If I see the Sound Relief dvd one more time..... Though you should me go if they're showing Chartbusting 80s!

this bloke probably drops a 6kg weight on his foot for fun.

you'd love our gym, chartbusting 80s is nearly all they play. if i have to hear Tina Turner introduce Bryan Adams once more... :rant:
the thing i'm struggling most with at the moment is cardio. last time i had a progress report i did a bike test, which apparently revealed that my heart rate is abnormally high (i think it had a bit to do with being nervous) so now i'm meant to do 10 minutes cardio on the bike at the end of every session. level 3, and for the first minute you pedal to 70 RPM. then, for the next nine minutes, you're meant to pedal as hard as you can for eight seconds, then back down to 70 for 12 seconds. and repeat that for nine minutes. it's so fucking hard!! i got to five minutes the other day, a record for me, and i had to sit down for five minutes after it before i could move my legs properly again.
Christ, you'd love my trainer then! I have a fortnightly appt with a trainer, which keeps me going to the gym, otherwise I'd spend all day on the couch watching Welcome Back Kotter on Gem....

She had me doing on the bike: Level 3, 30 seconds at 70, then 30 seconds at 100, and repeat. FOR 30 FUCKING MINUTES. :crack:

Another time: On the bike, level 3, at 100 for 90 seconds. Then off the bike, gloves on and punching for 90 seconds. And repeat. I managed about 15 minutes. I pleaded, but then she had me starting again, for another 10 or so minutes before I collapsed. My face was so red you coulda used it as a traffic light. :sad:
On the topic of Hercules-pretender types at the gym, I've been extremely fortunate to have found a YMCA nearby that caters to senior citizens. It has all the weights and machines that I need, but a minimal amount of testosterone. And none of the seniors use the free weights, so I almost never have to wait.
Speaking of seniors, my gym is right next to a bingo joint, so not only is it impossible to get a park, but you always have to wade through a bunch of of them smoking right outside the door, despite the multitude of no smoking signs. Bit of cancer's always good right after a sesh.
I have a treadmill at home, I use it 2 hours a day, 6 days a week.

I got to see someone fall off a treadmill when I was using a gym last month. It was right next to the treadmill I was using. I had to not look over so I wouldn't start laughing.
Thankfully my own treadmill is repaired now because that gym was full of gross people. 90% of them never wiped down the equipment when they were done. And it seemed like half the equipment never worked right.

Next time I need to use a gym I won't be going back to that one.
On the topic of Hercules-pretender types at the gym, I've been extremely fortunate to have found a YMCA nearby that caters to senior citizens. It has all the weights and machines that I need, but a minimal amount of testosterone. And none of the seniors use the free weights, so I almost never have to wait.


Just last week I had the only two (for some dumb reason) 30 lb. free-weights as I was starting to do my calf lifts. This older woman (mid-60s?) walks up to me and stares and says, "Oh, you have them."

I was almost too WTF?! to exercise. She stood close and waiting for me to be finished. I did and walked over and asked if she wanted them, and she responded, "Just one of them." She had one 25 lb, too. I wanted to stay and watch what she was doing, but I try and stay on-task at the gym.

I wish I had an extra 5 minutes in my life to stand and wait for something at the gym to become available. You've got to love seniors. :lol:
COBL: From what I've learned, cardio should be kept pretty low for people trying to gain weight. The problem with most exercise advice is that it's specifically designed to burn calories/lose weight and/or tone down. So while that wisdom says work out every day run cardio etc, well to gain weight a person would actually have to run less, lift more and less often, and eat lots.

I fought that battle for a long time because I was always running or doing the skating machine thing for 15-20 min with each day's workout, which ended up being every day because I would stagger muscle groups every 2-3 days. Never gained a pound. Cut the cardio down to 1 or 2 times / week and concentrated on lifting and then eating lots...and gained probably 10-15 pounds in pretty short order, after 25 years of no weight gain period.

The other thing is proper rest between workouts. 2-3 days per muscle group, to allow them to rebuild/grow.
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