the future of the GOP -- what's next?

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Blue Crack Supplier
Dec 4, 2003
the West Coast
now that the party has been smashed by the double-whammy of 8 years of incompetence and the Obama Tsunami of 11/4/08, where does the GOP go?

Politico wonders:

GOP in dire straits
By: Jonathan Martin
November 6, 2008 12:27 PM EST

Thumped convincingly in consecutive election cycles, the Republican Party now finds itself in its worst straits since the rise of the conservative coalition — a minority party without the White House, fewer seats in the House and Senate, only 21 governors and full control of just 14 state legislatures.

Most ominous for Republicans, the GOP is increasingly becoming less grand than old — and outdated. As reflected in Tuesday’s results and exit polls, it’s a party that is overwhelmingly white, rural and aged in a country that is rapidly becoming racially mixed, suburban and dominated by a post-Baby Boomer generation with no memory of Vietnam or the familiar culture wars of the past.

Beyond demography, the party is now, thanks to the outgoing president and some members of Congress, perceived by many voters as either incompetent, corrupt or just not standing for much.

Even on fiscal issues — for decades central to the GOP’s appeal — Republicans now lag.

In an election focused on the economy like none since 1992, Democrats had the advantage on which party would best address the current financial crisis, limit spending, reduce the deficit and cut taxes for middle-class voters, according to a pre-election survey taken across four battleground states — Virginia, Florida, Ohio and Colorado — by the American Issues Project, a conservative third-party group. Not coincidentally, each of those states — red in 2004 — flipped to the Democrats on Tuesday.

Intermingled with the cries of anguish in GOP circles this week — as well as a few choice words aimed at the McCain campaign — there is a common mantra: What do we do now? Interviews with some of the leading figures in the party, many of them representing GOP hopes for a future restoration, answer that question with a consensus that Republicans need not undergo major ideological shifts. Instead, these governors, former governors and members of Congress say the party must re-embrace its small government roots while striving to embrace the reform mantle and become relevant to the day-to-day concerns of average Americans.

All concede that the party’s once pristine brand name has been tarnished during the Bush era.

“I don’t think we’ve done a good job in the last two cycles of defining what Republicans are,” said North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr.

And if a Republican president and Republican-held Congress presiding over a massive increase in the size of government wasn’t bad enough for the party’s image, the shaky handling of the economic crisis this fall by the White House and GOP leaders on Capitol Hill was the last blow to conservative fiscal credibility.

“In the near-term, the answer is clearly yes,” Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty said when asked if the bailout had hurt the party brand.

“It was a watershed moment,” added former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, a vocal opponent of the $700 billion rescue package. “It went against every principle Republicans held.”

The hope now is that this election will offer a political cleansing of sorts, with Democratic dominance providing a fresh opportunity for Republicans to rebuild around new leaders, draw sharper contrasts and articulate conservative principles in a way that will lead moderate voters who’ve abandoned the GOP back into the fold.

“We’re still a center-right country,” said Sen. John Thune, a South Dakotan who is eyeing a leadership role in the new Congress and is seen by some in the party as presidential timber. “Democrats won those voters in the middle who ought to be part of our coalition.’

With Democrats firmly in control of both chambers of Congress, Thune said Republicans have a chance “to get back on offense.”

“I think this is going to be very liberating for Republicans in Congress.”

And Republicans are wasting no time in critiquing some of President-elect Barack Obama’s first moves.

“With the selection of Rahm Emanuel [as White House chief of staff], I think Sen. Obama is sending a strong signal of partisanship,” said Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour. Emanuel has been offered the job, according to Democratic sources, but has yet to accept it. “He’s a hardball player if there ever was one. That doesn’t say much to me about this ‘post-partisan’ presidency.”

But while the GOP does battle with Obama and his liberal allies on Capitol Hill, other Republicans would like to see the party use this wilderness period to reassert itself at the state level and recreate the sort of coalition of conservative reform governors it had in the '90s.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said the party should take four primary steps: show no tolerance for corruption, practice what it preaches about limiting the scope of government (“There should not be such a thing as a Big-Government Republican”), stand for working families and small business, and embrace reform.

“I hope there is a strong focus on recruiting candidates for governor as a top priority for 2010,” said Bush. “A reform conservative agenda can be shown at the state level regarding education, health care and environmental policy while the liberals advocate the status quo, just more of it, in Washington, D.C.”

Two young Republican governors who are being touted by some as future presidential candidates agree, noting that the party must win its way back by appealing to voters on issues on which it has largely been silent in recent years.

“We have to have actual ideas,” said the 47-year-old Pawlenty. “The Republican idea factory has dried up. And we’ve got to catch up on the key issues of our times — health care, renewable energy and education.”

“We need real solutions,” adds Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, 37. “It’s not enough to be just against single-payer health care, for example. We’ve got to discuss how we promote private coverage, to apply our principles to the issues that affect people’s lives.”

“The other side is worse,” said Jindal, adding it is “not a very inspiring bumper sticker.”

Translating the theoretical to the practical is key, said Rep. Eric Cantor, a Virginia congressman who began a campaign this week to be elected minority whip, No. 2 in the party’s House leadership.

“We shouldn’t be talking about lower taxes because supply-side economics is better for Americans but because it puts more money in people’s pockets,” said Cantor. “Where we have to focus is on reconnecting with people across this country where they live.”

But while recapturing the advantage on issues is important, Republicans are frank about the urgent need to also become a party that looks like the nation America is quickly becoming.

Obama won over Hispanics — the country’s largest minority group and a target of ardent outreach by President Bush — by sizable margins, gains some in the party attribute to the perception fueled during the immigration debate that Republicans were hostile to Latinos.

Obama also trounced McCain among younger voters, who represent a powerful voting bloc for decades to come.

“I would suggest that conservatives need to do the math of the new demographics of the United States,” said Jeb Bush. “We can’t be anti-Hispanic, anti-young person, anti-many things and be surprised when we don’t win elections.”

“We’re not relevant to people of my generation,” admitted Rep. Paul Ryan, a 38-year-old Wisconsin conservative seen as a rising star on the right.

Ryan said the party had become ossified, emblematic of a despised status quo.

“No more old bulls, no more old boys network, no more just bringing home the bacon to get reelected,” he said.

Jindal, the son of Indian immigrants, spoke admiringly of Obama’s new majority

“He built a different coalition than has elected other Democratic candidates,” Jindal observed of the new president’s support from nearly all regions of the country and spanning many traditional divides. “We need to be aggressive for every one of those voting blocs.”

Pawlenty, the son of a truck driver who worked his way through college, is also passionate about the need to put a new face on the party.

“Demographically, culturally, technologically and economically, the country is changing,” he noted, while the GOP is “stuck in a 30-year-old feel in tone and image.”

“We need a more forward-leaning, newer, younger, more diverse party. That does not mean that our values and principles get thrown overboard.

“But you can’t be a majority governing party getting almost no support from African-Americans, modest support from Hispanics, with a major gap with women, and decreasing support from modest-income Americans.”

The party, Pawlenty concluded, “needs to be freshened up.”

thoughts? what does the GOP have to do in order to prevent itself from becoming a regional party composed of older southern religious whites? how can the GOP adapt to the 21st century? how will they appeal to the under 40s? the under 30s? the teenagers of today who will be voting in 2012 and beyond? what would you do were you in charge?

my advice would be to start grooming Jindal.
now that the party has been smashed by the double-whammy of 8 years of incompetence and the Obama Tsunami of 11/4/08, where does the GOP go?

Politico wonders:

thoughts? what does the GOP have to do in order to prevent itself from becoming a regional party composed of older southern religious whites? how can the GOP adapt to the 21st century? how will they appeal to the under 40s? the under 30s? the teenagers of today who will be voting in 2012 and beyond? what would you do were you in charge?

my advice would be to start grooming Jindal.

I hope not. He comes across as VERY smart and astute, for sure he'd wipe the floor with Palin, last thing Obama needs to go up against is a charismatic and intelligent version of Palin.
I hope not. He comes across as VERY smart and astute, for sure he'd wipe the floor with Palin, last thing Obama needs to go up against is a charismatic and intelligent version of Palin.

i'm not saying i want Jindal to be my president, am just saying that if i were in charge of the GOP, that's what i'd do.

do you think his race will work against him?
I gave information on my county, a suburb of Philadelphia, about two months before the election. My county had gone Republican in every election since '64. I said, "I think my county will go Democrat this year." STING said, "Your county will definitely go Republican again."

My county went Dem by a 54-45 margin.

I think this says a ton about the state of things right now.
Rush was furious today by all the people within McCain's camp that were outing Palin as stupid and incompetent, and of course he thought they were all liars. His desire is that this will fire up the base and they'll kick all the moderates out and embrace the batshit crazy Palin conservatives...

I say go for it...:drool:
now that the party has been smashed by the double-whammy of 8 years of incompetence and the Obama Tsunami of 11/4/08, where does the GOP go?

Politico wonders:

thoughts? what does the GOP have to do in order to prevent itself from becoming a regional party composed of older southern religious whites? how can the GOP adapt to the 21st century? how will they appeal to the under 40s? the under 30s? the teenagers of today who will be voting in 2012 and beyond? what would you do were you in charge?

my advice would be to start grooming Jindal.
Are you mad? Jindal is a bloody anti-gay creationist conservative, exactly the type of backwards agenda which Americans have voted against. The GOP needs to develop a more libertarian agenda with less of an emphasis on social issues, it would contrast it against an Obama administration and democratic congress.
Are you mad? Jindal is a bloody anti-gay creationist conservative, exactly the type of backwards agenda which Americans have voted against. The GOP needs to develop a more libertarian agenda with less of an emphasis on social issues, it would contrast it against an Obama administration and democratic congress.

Jindal also has the potential to be an Obama-esque figure so that a party, troubled by race, can pat itself on it's back and say, "look, i support someone who isn't white, i'm not a racist."

i understand Jindal's religion is batshit insane, but he's also credited with doing a very good job managing the state when it was beset by hurricanes a few months ago.

and what to do about the batshit insane base? obviously, the closest thing to a libertarian who ran for the nomination -- Ron Paul -- didn't get very far, and the GOP's Maverick drowned in the Tsunami.

what is the GOP to do?
Personally I think they should wander aimlessly for a couple of decades. :)
If Jindal is smart, he will hold out until 2016.

It will really depend on how things look in about 2-2.5 years. If Obama has done alright and has a solid approval rating and the economy is on the uptick, the GOP will not send out its A team in 2012, not a chance.

Palin's more immediate problem is not Jindal, but Huckabee.
Step 1: It doesn't matter what the leader is if they don't know how to counter the Alinsky tactics.

Step 2 is to try to take back Congress

Step 3 find someone like (Jindal, Pence) for president later.

Short of that they WILL be wandering aimlessly. Any conservative that doesn't know how to deal with media will be royally screwed.

I personally love how those accusations of Palin were scooped for FoxNews. It puts her in a double bind and makes it look impossible for her to counter other than denial. These tactics are to make conservatives afraid and retire for private life so public life is dominated by the left. I can also see how psychopaths would find entertainment in these tactics and see people react like puppets and get pushed out of the scene.

Power is like a drug.
Jindal also has the potential to be an Obama-esque figure so that a party, troubled by race, can pat itself on it's back and say, "look, i support someone who isn't white, i'm not a racist."

Yeah that's probably the most convincing thing going for Republicans to pick Jindal I guess. But I don't know much about his beliefs and stances.
I personally love how those accusations of Palin were scooped for FoxNews. It puts her in a double bind and makes it look impossible for her to counter other than denial. These tactics are to make conservatives afraid and retire for private life so public life is dominated by the left.

So let me get this straight, FOX News is scaremongering the Republicans against one of their own because they want the left (in their view, everyone else) to dominate the media?
Step 1: It doesn't matter what the leader is if they don't know how to counter the Alinsky tactics.
You realize your guy was employing them himself, right? I mean you read the article right?

Step 2 is to try to take back Congress
This is a result not a strategy.

These tactics are to make conservatives afraid and retire for private life so public life is dominated by the left. I can also see how psychopaths would find entertainment in these tactics and see people react like puppets and get pushed out of the scene.

This doesn't even make sense... So now Fox News wants the left to dominate "public life"? I would lay off the drugs...
and if either are the 2012 nominee, it will truly be a white southern party.

Yes, but they may want to concede 2012 anyway.

I actually really liked Huckabee. He has a couple of decent ideas, but I think he's 95% batshit crazy. However, I think he is genuine, he doesn't pander but actually believes the batshit crazy stuff he says, and he was very, very progressive in terms of his comments on Obama and race, and came across as a very likeable gentleman.

There isn't a chance I'd ever vote for him, but unlike Palin, I can respect him as a person at least.
One thing in that first article that struck me was the bit about people maybe not knowing what the Republicans stood for anymore.

Rubbish! I cannot imagine that the last eight years left the slightest ambiguity about what the party stood for... this was not a wishy-washy regime.
and if either are the 2012 nominee, it will truly be a white southern party.

It isn't already ? RNC Demographics......

--Only 32% are women (down from 43% in 2004)

--93% are white

--72% are self-described "conservative" (up from 63%)

--34% are millionaires (up from 27%) - Joe Millionaire !!!

--30% are Catholic (highest in survey history, beginning 1976)

--57% say the economy is currently in good shape

--80% say that in retrospect, invading Iraq was the right thing to do

--48% say the Iraq War is going very well,
Yes, but they may want to concede 2012 anyway.

I actually really liked Huckabee. He has a couple of decent ideas, but I think he's 95% batshit crazy. However, I think he is genuine, he doesn't pander but actually believes the batshit crazy stuff he says, and he was very, very progressive in terms of his comments on Obama and race, and came across as a very likeable gentleman.

There isn't a chance I'd ever vote for him, but unlike Palin, I can respect him as a person at least.

I've always felt the same way about Huckabee. He's very likable.

Why the hell does this portion of the Alinsky book keep being held out like it's some evil plot by the left to take over the world? It's merely a longtime set of very effective community organization principles that strives to empower people by building support from the bottom up. Given Obama's background, I'm not surprised he learned a thing or two from this and used it very effectively in his campaign.
Would YOU vote for Jindal? :wink:

You know, if you could vote and all...

I don't know. I'd have to read up about his beliefs on the various issues and such. But I find myself leaning a lot to the left, so I don't see myself voting for a republican... unless I really believe in his stances.. I guess. :slant:
So let me get this straight, FOX News is scaremongering the Republicans against one of their own because they want the left (in their view, everyone else) to dominate the media?

The moderates don't like the conservative wing of the party and want them to be out of commission. Palin is shaken right now and that's the way it's supposed to be. If you personally had that kind of resistance to a job most people would look for another. If you're Sarah Palin you have to be VERY motivated to want to get into federal politics again after the nasty campaigning.

FoxNews wants to move to Jindal already and McCain/Palin are history as far as they are concerned. The disappointment in their performance is palpable. The discourse in media and politics is going to continue being nasty because it's the most effective tool at the moment.
You realize your guy was employing them himself, right? I mean you read the article right?

This is a result not a strategy.

This doesn't even make sense... So now Fox News wants the left to dominate "public life"? I would lay off the drugs...

BVS gets a Gold star for passing the Alinsky test.

I'm on to you.:sexywink:
Why the hell does this portion of the Alinsky book keep being held out like it's some evil plot by the left to take over the world? It's merely a longtime set of very effective community organization principles that strives to empower people by building support from the bottom up. Given Obama's background, I'm not surprised he learned a thing or two from this and used it very effectively in his campaign.

Two words: group thought.

Hannity finds it, talks about it, describes it as evil, shows the comparisons next thing we know it's an extreme right talking point.
The moderates don't like the conservative wing of the party and want them to be out of commission. Palin is shaken right now and that's the way it's supposed to be. If you personally had that kind of resistance to a job most people would look for another. If you're Sarah Palin you have to be VERY motivated to want to get into federal politics again after the nasty campaigning.

FoxNews wants to move to Jindal already and McCain/Palin are history as far as they are concerned. The disappointment in their performance is palpable. The discourse in media and politics is going to continue being nasty because it's the most effective tool at the moment.

Read this and tell me how it answers the question anitram and I asked you.
now that the party has been smashed by the double-whammy of 8 years of incompetence and the Obama Tsunami of 11/4/08, where does the GOP go?

Politico wonders:

thoughts? what does the GOP have to do in order to prevent itself from becoming a regional party composed of older southern religious whites? how can the GOP adapt to the 21st century? how will they appeal to the under 40s? the under 30s? the teenagers of today who will be voting in 2012 and beyond? what would you do were you in charge?

my advice would be to start grooming Jindal.

My advice is to read the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
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