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Oh so you think it's ridiculous to find the C-word insulting so that means it's Ok to use it because the Aussies do?

I find it just as offensive every single time one of the Aussies use it, no matter how culturally normal it is for them to do so. Fucking golliwogs don't seem to be considered offensive over there, either, or at least weren't til recently. That doesn't mean they're OK.

i think it's a bit much to find any one word that isn't being used as a direct slur that horribly offensive, to be completely honest. if someone is calling a you that word with the intention of using it as a directly gendered insult, then sure, be insulted. i certainly have never used it that way and i certainly never will. sorry that it personally upsets you so much but expecting everyone else to tailor their speech to your feelings and then getting angry and offended when that doesn't happen is rather self-centered, in my opinion.

and not to make this personal or anything but a quick forum search shows that you have no problem directly calling men dicks from time to time. it's not okay to find one gendered word so utterly offensive you can't even bear to read it, while at the same time freely using the other gender's equivalent word as a direct insult.

Dave, honestly I don't give a damn that it irks you. I have much bigger fish to fry in my life. I'm here simply in desperation for a diversion in what I'm dealing with. But I'm done with it again. Don't need or want the bullshit. And that's what it is.

it seems you completely misunderstood my intention here, but that's fine if you don't want to discuss it. i hope whatever is going on that it works out for the best soon. :hug:
I think it's pretty obvious that the world doesn't view those two words as similar, we've discussed this in the past, in fact, as this is not the first time you've ardently argued for your right to use a word that women clearly find more offensive then men find the word dick.

And that's the thing, use it away, but I am still going to be offended by it. That's your right/prerogative, as well as it is mine.
I just find it hilarious that you come in here white knighting like, "Women would be so offended if I said this about a woman" and then in the same post defending your right to throw around that word like it's meaningless and not used as an incredibly derogatory slur.
I think it's pretty obvious that the world doesn't view those two words as similar, we've discussed this in the past, in fact, as this is not the first time you've ardently argued for your right to use a word that women clearly find more offensive then men find the word dick.

so how "the world" views those words is relevant, except when it's the australians?

and that's my entire point. either they're both equally offensive, or they both are not. anything else is a sexist double standard. i'm of the opinion that they should both be considered equally inoffensive. it's fine to hold the opposite opinion, but at least be consistent one way or the other is all I'm saying.

good to know as well that apparently according to the reaction to my original post it's totally fine going forward to comment on a woman's attractiveness any time she accomplishes something, regardless of whether it is relevant or not, and that it will definitely not be called out as sexist when that happens. :up:
I just find it hilarious that you come in here white knighting like, "Women would be so offended if I said this about a woman" and then in the same post defending your right to throw around that word like it's meaningless and not used as an incredibly derogatory slur.


if you go back and read what i actually wrote you'll notice that in my initial post (the one that somehow made you so mad you had to rewrite your reply four times), i never used that word or referenced it at all, and only started that particular discussion after someone else brought it up, despite it having no relevancy at all to anything i said in my initial post.

so what you apparently find so "hilarious" and are accusing me of doing is something that literally did not happen.

i'd really appreciate an answer if you don't mind to the question that i initially asked before you went off on a wild angry tangent at me about a single word that *someone else* first mentioned: what was it about that initial post made you so angry that you had to reword it four times before giving up and only posting a single word? you haven't addressed any of the content of that post. i'd like to know what's so horribly wrong with it.
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Guys i think it’s pretty easy to just say know your audience and detect intent.

There’s nothing wrong with an Australian saying “cunt” if in Australia it has no connotation of insult. That doesn’t mean it’s socially acceptable to say it to an American. At Disney, they don’t use the word “fanny pack” because, well, a fanny is a vagina to British folks. Know your audience.

It’s just a word. Language is subjectively and circumstantially defined. Nothing is stopping society from rearranging the meaning of “yes” to “no” and “no” to “yes.”

I don’t get why his is such a big deal. Fuck shit bitch dick ass. Who cares??? These words shouldn’t insult anyone, there’s no connotation.

Heck, there’s a perfect example. The word bitch. Quit your bitching. Fine. That test was a bitch. Fine. She’s a bitch ... he’s a bitch ... well, this could easily be identified as comparing a woman to a dog, or comparing a man to a woman so as to suggest women are weaker in some aspects. Offensive.
and that's my entire point. either they're both equally offensive, or they both are not. anything else is a sexist double standard. i'm of the opinion that they should both be considered equally inoffensive. :

But lets face it, in reality, they are just not equally offensive.
The c-word to many women is about as nasty a word that can be used towards them, it just has a far more negative connotation than dick even though they are both derived from the slang for each gender's private parts. So your point has validity in theory, but really not in practice.
i hope we hear from some of our other toronto friends soon. everyone i know personally is safe.

everything points to a guy with mental illness (there is a photo of a facebook post going around that hasn't been verified but seems to show him praising elliott rodgers) trying to get a grand theft auto-style wanted level and then commit suicide by cop. he hit 25 people and then screamed at the cop to kill him, said he had a gun and acted like he was drawing it, etc. the toronto police department really sucks but the officer who arrested him on his own without a scratch is a motherfucking hero.
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Ok here and I haven’t heard any bad news about people I know. I went to that location to get a passport for my son recently, don’t live near there but still hits you hard.
Oh, and he's apparently connected with some creepy misogynistic right-wing group online, so ............. yeah.
Is anyone watching Surviving R Kelly? I started this weekend with a couple of episodes, it was so disturbing to me that I had to stop.

I don't understand why he's not in jail. I agree with what so many said in the series, if he did these things to white girls he would most likely be in jail.

Some police departments have been protecting him too, I guess he's paying them for that? And the music industry-was glad to see Lady Gaga finally speak out against him. John Legend was the only one who would appear in the series and denounce R Kelly.

What he has done, and continues to do, makes me sick. It's an outrage.
I have yet to see that documentary, but I've been hearing some of the stories coming out from it. On the one hand, I'm stunned that he's still out there not facing any punishment, but on the other hand, I'm not surprised, too, because, well, as #MeToo has proven, that's sadly way more common than a lot of people realize :|.

Sounds like the law is FINALLY coming for him, though, which, better late than never. I hope they throw the book at him and he winds up in jail for the rest of his life.

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